2024-25 Season

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Philharmonie Austin & Ensemble VIII

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Symphony No. 39 in E-flat Major
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem

Jennifer Paulino, soprano
Kristen Dubenion-Smith, alto
Kyle Stegall, tenor
Edward Vogel, bass

Ensemble VIII; Donald Meineke, artistic director
Philharmonie Austin; Mark Dupere, conductor

{$30 General | $25 Senior 60+ | $5 Student}

Ensemble VIII comprises some of the nation’s most accomplished and outstanding early musicians. Under the direction of artistic director Donald Meineke, these artists bring to the extremely challenging music of the Baroque and Renaissance superior technical abilities and experience in performing stunning and exacting repertoire.

Ensemble VIII’s ambition is to make the vast canon of Renaissance and Baroque vocal music accessible and fresh to Austin and Central Texas audiences. The ensemble offers a rare opportunity to hear superb specialists in early music perform at the highest degree of technical precision and dramatic intensity.

Philharmonie Austin is Austin's premier period instrument orchestra.

In 2002, Redeemer Presbyterian Church began a ten-year collaboration with First Presbyterian Church in its annual St. Cecilia Music Festival. Each year, the two churches contracted period instrument players for three separate concert programs. In 2010, Redeemer moved its part in the festival to the church’s current East Austin location on Alexander Avenue. At that time, the orchestra not only began to accompany the Redeemer Choir but also began its own orchestral concerts under the direction of conductor Mark Dupere. The name Musica Redemptor Orchestra was first adopted and has recently been changed to Philharmonie Austin, and has since played annual orchestra concerts featuring repertoire of the baroque and classical periods. The development of the orchestra more recently expanded in size for the performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah, a work requiring an orchestra of 45 players.

Donald Meineke, Artistic Director

Hailed as a “fresh voice on New York’s musical scene” (The New Yorker), Donald Meineke is an organist, conductor, tenor, and the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of Ensemble VIII. He maintains an active career as a recitalist, lecturer, conductor, and singer performing with local, national, and international ensembles.

Meineke serves as the Director of Music and organist for the historic Church of the Holy Trinity (Episcopal) on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, known fondly as the birthplace of the Christmas carol “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” composed as a collaboration between the priest and organist in 1868. He has served as Cantor of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity in New York City where he led the twice Grammy®-nominated Bach Choir and Players in the internationally renowned Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity series. His Bach Choir’s recording of Samuel Capricornus’ Jubilus Bernhardi, in collaboration with string ensemble ACRONYM, received critical acclaim and was on Colorado Public Radio’s December 2017 “Top 5 Must Have New Recordings” list. His recordings of Capricornus and Bach Vespers have been featured on classical music stations nationally and internationally, including KMFA’s Ancient Voices and WXXI’s With Heart and Voice, and he has appeared as a guest artist on Columbia University-WKCR’s Bachfest. 

He was the Co-Founder and Director of the 2014 Early Music Festival: NYC which featured over thirty concerts by dozens of local and national ensembles to critical acclaim. Meineke served as a choirmaster for Maestro Helmuth Rilling for many years, preparing choirs across Europe and South America for performances of the major choral and orchestral works by Bach, Mozart, and others.

Mark Dupere, conductor

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonie Austin, as well as making guest appearances with Regional and National Honor Youth Orchestras. As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, Anima Eterna Brugge and as an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was an “Emerging Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and was recently named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in Cello from the University of Texas at Austin, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting from Michigan State University.

Jennifer Paulino, soprano

San Francisco Bay Area soprano Jennifer Paulino’s voice has been praised as “graceful yet powerful” and “sensitive and clear” by San Francisco Classical Voice.  Her performance in Handel’s Messiah with Seraphic Fire was praised in South Florida Classical Voice:  “The sheer beauty and sincerity that soprano Jennifer Paulino brought to I know that my Redeemer liveth would be hard to equal.”

Jennifer specializes in 17th and 18th century repertoire, and appears with period ensembles and orchestras nationally.  Recent performances include a concert of cantatas by Conti, Bernier, and J.S. Bach with Grammy nominated Agave baroque ensemble, and Buxtehude’s Jesu Membra Nostri, J.S Bach’s Magnificat, and Johann Kunau’s Magnificat with renowned Belgian ensemble Vox Luminis at the 2022 Berkeley Festival and Exhibition.  She regularly appears with Philharmonie Austin and the Redeemer Choir, as well as Cantata Collective (CA), Bach Collegium San Diego, California Bach Society, Santa Cruz Chorale, San Francisco Choral Society, and at the Carmel Bach Festival.  Jennifer has also made solo appearances at Festival Mozaic (San Luis Obispo), the Festival of Contemporary Music in San Francisco, and the Tropical Baroque Festival in Miami, FL.  Internationally, Jennifer has performed at the Organs of Ballarat Festival in Australia, the International Chamber Music Festival in Olsztyn, Poland, and in Odense, Denmark for David Lang’s The Little Match Girl Passion.

 In addition to baroque and classical period repertoire, Jennifer is also at home performing contemporary works.  She is passionate about collaborating with living composers and has premiered works by Stacy Garrop, Lansing McLoskey, Jocelyn Hagen, and Preben Antonsen, among others. 

Jennifer studied baroque styles with Julianne Baird, Jill Feldman, and Michael Chance, and holds degrees from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, Netherlands and Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, NJ.  In 2010, Jennifer won second prize in the Gerhard Herz Young Artists Competition for her interpretation of works by Bach, Mozart, and Handel, and in 2012 she was the Cal-West regional winner and a national finalist for the Artist Awards Competition for the National Association Teachers of Singing

When Jennifer’s not performing, she’s teaching voice, caring for her young son, and composing and arranging with her husband, an indie singer-songwriter. https://jenniferpaulino.com/

Kristen Dubenion-Smith, alto

Recognized for her “velvety legato and embracing warmth of sound” (Washington Classical Review) and “lyric-mezzo of uncommon beauty” (The Washington Post,)  mezzo soprano Kristen Dubenion-Smith enjoys an active performing career in oratorio and sacred vocal chamber music, specializing in music of the medieval, renaissance and baroque eras.

As a concert soloist, Kristen has earned recognition for her performances of the works of the high baroque, especially Bach and Handel.  Her “ lyric-Mezzo of uncommon beauty” (The Washington Post) was praised following her December 2019 performance as Alto Soloist in Bach's Christmas Oratorio with The Washington Bach Consort. Highlights from recent seasons include Handel’s Israel in Egypt with the Washington National Cathedral Baroque Orchestra, Bach’s St. John Passion with The Dryden Ensemble, and Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with The Washington Bach Consort. In previous seasons, she has appeared as Alto Soloist in works such as Handel’s Messiah, Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610, Praetorius' Christmas Vespers and Mozart's Requiem among others, with ensembles including Apollo's Fire, Handel Choir of Baltimore, Opera Lafayette, The New Dominion Chorale, The Folger Consort, and Chatham Baroque. In the summer of 2019, Ms. Dubenion-Smith attended the American Bach Soloists Academy where she was featured in Bach’s Trauerode and Mass in B Minor. She was also a 2020 (transferred to 2022 due to the pandemic) Virginia Best Adams Fellow with the Carmel Bach Festival.

Starting in the fall of 2016, Ms. Dubenion-Smith joined the Choir of Men and Boys/Girls at the Washington National Cathedral as the first woman to be offered a position in this choir. She had previously served as cantor since 2011.  In her time with the Cathedral Choir, she has sung for liturgies, commemorations, and events of national importance- most recently, the State Funerals of President George H. W. Bush and Senator John McCain, the internment of Matthew Shepard, the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony and Prayer Service, and the 9/11 services at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 

As a professional choral singer, Ms. Dubenion-Smith performs regularly with Cathedra, Chantry, The Washington Bach Consort and the Grammy Nominated, NYC based, Clarion Choir. She also sings on the 2021 Grammy winning recording of The Prison by Ethel Smyth with The Experiential Choir and Orchestra. She can also be heard on commercial recordings with The Folger Consort, Apollo’s Fire, Cathedra, and Via Veritate.

 In 2010, Ms. Dubenion-Smith co-founded the award winning, Washington D.C. based Eya: Ensemble for Medieval Music.  Eya has been presented at a number of distinguished venues and series including the Academy of Early Music, National Gallery of Art, The Music Center at Strathmore, Washington National Cathedral, Columbus Early Music, and Dumbarton Oaks, in addition to numerous colleges, universities, and concert series across the east coast. The ensemble has been featured on Voice of America Radio, Millennium of Music on NPR, and is the recipient of the 2013 Greater DC Choral Excellence Award for Best Specialty Group: Early Music as well as a 2015 nominee for Most Creative Programming and 2018 nominee for Best New Recording.

To keep busy during the pandemic, Ms. Dubenion-Smith started a weekly series on her YouTube channel entitled Social DistanSING. Despite specializing in early music, she spans many genres of music on her channel, featuring music by Dolly Parton, Claudio Monteverdi, Johann Sebastian Bach, Enya, Henry Purcell, the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Benjamin Britten, Extreme, Hildegard von Bingen, Toto, Richard Einhorn, Elise Witt, and Frideric Handel as well as commissioned arrangements of hymns and popular music, specifically for her series, by dear friend and colleague, Carter Sligh.

2022-2023 season highlights are BWV 170 with Chatham Baroque, Venus and Adonis with San Diego Bach Collegium (debut,) the Monteverdi Vespers with both Apollo’s Fire and the Washington National Cathedral Baroque Orchestra, Bach’s Christmas Oratorio with The Washington Bach Consort, Handel’s Messiah with Ensemble Altera (debut,) BWV 3 with Bach in Baltimore, and an international tour with The Clarion Choir and The English Concert.

Originally from Michigan, Ms. Dubenion-Smith attended Alma College (Bachelor of Music) before moving to Maryland to complete her studies at The Peabody Conservatory of Music (Master of Music) in Baltimore. https://kristendubenionsmith.com/

Kyle Stegall, tenor

Kyle Stegall’s performances around the world have been met with accolade for his “blemish-free production” (Sydney Morning Herald), “lovely tone and ardent expression” (NY Times), as well as his “lively and empathetic delivery” (San Francisco Classical Voice). An artist who communicates equally well on concert, opera, and recital stages, his performances are characterized by an unfailing attention to style and detail, and a penetrating directness of communication.

Mr. Stegall’s successful solo debuts in Japan, Australia, Vienna, Italy, Singapore, and Canada as well as on major stages across America have been in collaboration with many of the world’s most celebrated artistic directors including Manfred Honeck, Joseph Flummerfelt, William Christie, Stephen Stubbs, and Nicholas McGegan, among others.

Heard frequently as evangelist and tenor soloist in the passions and cantatas of J.S. Bach, Mr. Stegall made his Lincoln Center debut as the evangelist in the St. John Passion under the direction of The Bach Collegium Japan’s artistic director, Masaaki Suzuki. In demand as a symphonic soloist, Mr. Stegall’s seasons often include the oratorios of Handel and Haydn, the great masses of Mozart and Beethoven, and works from the Bel Canto and 20th century concert canon.

Holding a special relationship with the music of Benjamin Britten, Mr. Stegall was twice invited to participate as a fellow at the Aldeburgh Music Festival, in the composer’s hometown of Suffolk, England. There, he performed in recital and studied Britten song and Schubert lieder under the guidance of Ian Bostridge and Malcolm Martineau. Kyle has been heard in recital singing all of the composer’s cycles for tenor, including Britten’s Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings. https://www.kylestegall.com/

Edward Vogel, bass

With a voice described as “rather appealing” (The New York Times), and praised for his “clarion tone” (Chicago Classical Review) and “commanding and animated” presence (Seen & Heard International), baritone Edward Vogel possesses a diverse repertoire spanning ten centuries. Highlights of the 2023-2024 season include solo appearances with GRAMMY®-winning Apollo’s Fire under the direction of Jeannette Sorrell, solo debuts with the Jacksonville and Tucson Symphonies, and his solo debut with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in Handel’s Israel in Egypt, for which Musical America praised him as “one of the evening’s highlights.” Other recent solo appearances include Handel’s Messiah and Monteverdi’s Vespers with Apollo’s Fire; and Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Dona Nobis Pacem, Bach’s Mass in B minor, and Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem with GRAMMY®-nominated True Concord under the direction of Eric Holtan. In 2019 Edward made his international solo debut in Bach’s Mass in G Major at Snape Maltings, UK, under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe. Highly in-demand as an ensemble singer, Mr. Vogel has performed with groups including Bach Collegium Japan, and Paul Hillier’s Theatre of Voices in the world premiere of David Lang’s the writings at Carnegie Hall.

An avid recitalist, Edward finds passion in delivering sensitive, intimate performances of both art song and genres that go beyond the traditional classical canon. A two-time Vocal Fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center, he has honed his craft by coaching with champions of art song including Dawn Upshaw, Roger Vignoles, and the late Sanford Sylvan. His musical interests have led to engaging and acclaimed recitals of repertoire ranging from music of medieval Iberia to British art songs of the twentieth century.

Mr. Vogel holds degrees from the Yale School of Music and the University of Notre Dame.

Ensemble VIII is a world-class vocal ensemble whose mission is to perform vocal music of the Renaissance and Baroque at the highest artistic level with a keen attention to scholarship and historically informed performance practices.

Ensemble VIII comprises some of the nation’s most accomplished and outstanding early musicians. Under the direction of artistic director Donald Meineke, these artists bring to the extremely challenging music of the Baroque and Renaissance superior technical abilities and experience in performing stunning and exacting repertoire.

Ensemble VIII’s ambition is to make the vast canon of Renaissance and Baroque vocal music accessible and fresh to Austin and Central Texas audiences. The ensemble offers a rare opportunity to hear superb specialists in early music perform at the highest degree of technical precision and dramatic intensity.

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Philharmonie Austin & Ensemble VIII

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Symphony No. 39 in E-flat Major
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem

Jennifer Paulino, soprano
Kristen Dubenion-Smith, alto
Kyle Stegall, tenor
Edward Vogel, bass

Ensemble VIII; Donald Meineke, artistic director
Philharmonie Austin; Mark Dupere, conductor

{$30 General | $25 Senior 60+ | $5 Student}

Ensemble VIII comprises some of the nation’s most accomplished and outstanding early musicians. Under the direction of artistic director Donald Meineke, these artists bring to the extremely challenging music of the Baroque and Renaissance superior technical abilities and experience in performing stunning and exacting repertoire.

Ensemble VIII’s ambition is to make the vast canon of Renaissance and Baroque vocal music accessible and fresh to Austin and Central Texas audiences. The ensemble offers a rare opportunity to hear superb specialists in early music perform at the highest degree of technical precision and dramatic intensity.

Philharmonie Austin is Austin's premier period instrument orchestra.

In 2002, Redeemer Presbyterian Church began a ten-year collaboration with First Presbyterian Church in its annual St. Cecilia Music Festival. Each year, the two churches contracted period instrument players for three separate concert programs. In 2010, Redeemer moved its part in the festival to the church’s current East Austin location on Alexander Avenue. At that time, the orchestra not only began to accompany the Redeemer Choir but also began its own orchestral concerts under the direction of conductor Mark Dupere. The name Musica Redemptor Orchestra was first adopted and has recently been changed to Philharmonie Austin, and has since played annual orchestra concerts featuring repertoire of the baroque and classical periods. The development of the orchestra more recently expanded in size for the performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah, a work requiring an orchestra of 45 players.

Donald Meineke, Artistic Director

Hailed as a “fresh voice on New York’s musical scene” (The New Yorker), Donald Meineke is an organist, conductor, tenor, and the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of Ensemble VIII. He maintains an active career as a recitalist, lecturer, conductor, and singer performing with local, national, and international ensembles.

Meineke serves as the Director of Music and organist for the historic Church of the Holy Trinity (Episcopal) on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, known fondly as the birthplace of the Christmas carol “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” composed as a collaboration between the priest and organist in 1868. He has served as Cantor of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity in New York City where he led the twice Grammy®-nominated Bach Choir and Players in the internationally renowned Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity series. His Bach Choir’s recording of Samuel Capricornus’ Jubilus Bernhardi, in collaboration with string ensemble ACRONYM, received critical acclaim and was on Colorado Public Radio’s December 2017 “Top 5 Must Have New Recordings” list. His recordings of Capricornus and Bach Vespers have been featured on classical music stations nationally and internationally, including KMFA’s Ancient Voices and WXXI’s With Heart and Voice, and he has appeared as a guest artist on Columbia University-WKCR’s Bachfest. 

He was the Co-Founder and Director of the 2014 Early Music Festival: NYC which featured over thirty concerts by dozens of local and national ensembles to critical acclaim. Meineke served as a choirmaster for Maestro Helmuth Rilling for many years, preparing choirs across Europe and South America for performances of the major choral and orchestral works by Bach, Mozart, and others.

Mark Dupere, conductor

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonie Austin, as well as making guest appearances with Regional and National Honor Youth Orchestras. As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, Anima Eterna Brugge and as an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was an “Emerging Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and was recently named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in Cello from the University of Texas at Austin, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting from Michigan State University.

Jennifer Paulino, soprano

San Francisco Bay Area soprano Jennifer Paulino’s voice has been praised as “graceful yet powerful” and “sensitive and clear” by San Francisco Classical Voice.  Her performance in Handel’s Messiah with Seraphic Fire was praised in South Florida Classical Voice:  “The sheer beauty and sincerity that soprano Jennifer Paulino brought to I know that my Redeemer liveth would be hard to equal.”

Jennifer specializes in 17th and 18th century repertoire, and appears with period ensembles and orchestras nationally.  Recent performances include a concert of cantatas by Conti, Bernier, and J.S. Bach with Grammy nominated Agave baroque ensemble, and Buxtehude’s Jesu Membra Nostri, J.S Bach’s Magnificat, and Johann Kunau’s Magnificat with renowned Belgian ensemble Vox Luminis at the 2022 Berkeley Festival and Exhibition.  She regularly appears with Philharmonie Austin and the Redeemer Choir, as well as Cantata Collective (CA), Bach Collegium San Diego, California Bach Society, Santa Cruz Chorale, San Francisco Choral Society, and at the Carmel Bach Festival.  Jennifer has also made solo appearances at Festival Mozaic (San Luis Obispo), the Festival of Contemporary Music in San Francisco, and the Tropical Baroque Festival in Miami, FL.  Internationally, Jennifer has performed at the Organs of Ballarat Festival in Australia, the International Chamber Music Festival in Olsztyn, Poland, and in Odense, Denmark for David Lang’s The Little Match Girl Passion.

 In addition to baroque and classical period repertoire, Jennifer is also at home performing contemporary works.  She is passionate about collaborating with living composers and has premiered works by Stacy Garrop, Lansing McLoskey, Jocelyn Hagen, and Preben Antonsen, among others. 

Jennifer studied baroque styles with Julianne Baird, Jill Feldman, and Michael Chance, and holds degrees from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, Netherlands and Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, NJ.  In 2010, Jennifer won second prize in the Gerhard Herz Young Artists Competition for her interpretation of works by Bach, Mozart, and Handel, and in 2012 she was the Cal-West regional winner and a national finalist for the Artist Awards Competition for the National Association Teachers of Singing

When Jennifer’s not performing, she’s teaching voice, caring for her young son, and composing and arranging with her husband, an indie singer-songwriter. https://jenniferpaulino.com/

Kristen Dubenion-Smith, alto

Recognized for her “velvety legato and embracing warmth of sound” (Washington Classical Review) and “lyric-mezzo of uncommon beauty” (The Washington Post,)  mezzo soprano Kristen Dubenion-Smith enjoys an active performing career in oratorio and sacred vocal chamber music, specializing in music of the medieval, renaissance and baroque eras.

As a concert soloist, Kristen has earned recognition for her performances of the works of the high baroque, especially Bach and Handel.  Her “ lyric-Mezzo of uncommon beauty” (The Washington Post) was praised following her December 2019 performance as Alto Soloist in Bach's Christmas Oratorio with The Washington Bach Consort. Highlights from recent seasons include Handel’s Israel in Egypt with the Washington National Cathedral Baroque Orchestra, Bach’s St. John Passion with The Dryden Ensemble, and Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with The Washington Bach Consort. In previous seasons, she has appeared as Alto Soloist in works such as Handel’s Messiah, Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610, Praetorius' Christmas Vespers and Mozart's Requiem among others, with ensembles including Apollo's Fire, Handel Choir of Baltimore, Opera Lafayette, The New Dominion Chorale, The Folger Consort, and Chatham Baroque. In the summer of 2019, Ms. Dubenion-Smith attended the American Bach Soloists Academy where she was featured in Bach’s Trauerode and Mass in B Minor. She was also a 2020 (transferred to 2022 due to the pandemic) Virginia Best Adams Fellow with the Carmel Bach Festival.

Starting in the fall of 2016, Ms. Dubenion-Smith joined the Choir of Men and Boys/Girls at the Washington National Cathedral as the first woman to be offered a position in this choir. She had previously served as cantor since 2011.  In her time with the Cathedral Choir, she has sung for liturgies, commemorations, and events of national importance- most recently, the State Funerals of President George H. W. Bush and Senator John McCain, the internment of Matthew Shepard, the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony and Prayer Service, and the 9/11 services at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 

As a professional choral singer, Ms. Dubenion-Smith performs regularly with Cathedra, Chantry, The Washington Bach Consort and the Grammy Nominated, NYC based, Clarion Choir. She also sings on the 2021 Grammy winning recording of The Prison by Ethel Smyth with The Experiential Choir and Orchestra. She can also be heard on commercial recordings with The Folger Consort, Apollo’s Fire, Cathedra, and Via Veritate.

 In 2010, Ms. Dubenion-Smith co-founded the award winning, Washington D.C. based Eya: Ensemble for Medieval Music.  Eya has been presented at a number of distinguished venues and series including the Academy of Early Music, National Gallery of Art, The Music Center at Strathmore, Washington National Cathedral, Columbus Early Music, and Dumbarton Oaks, in addition to numerous colleges, universities, and concert series across the east coast. The ensemble has been featured on Voice of America Radio, Millennium of Music on NPR, and is the recipient of the 2013 Greater DC Choral Excellence Award for Best Specialty Group: Early Music as well as a 2015 nominee for Most Creative Programming and 2018 nominee for Best New Recording.

To keep busy during the pandemic, Ms. Dubenion-Smith started a weekly series on her YouTube channel entitled Social DistanSING. Despite specializing in early music, she spans many genres of music on her channel, featuring music by Dolly Parton, Claudio Monteverdi, Johann Sebastian Bach, Enya, Henry Purcell, the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Benjamin Britten, Extreme, Hildegard von Bingen, Toto, Richard Einhorn, Elise Witt, and Frideric Handel as well as commissioned arrangements of hymns and popular music, specifically for her series, by dear friend and colleague, Carter Sligh.

2022-2023 season highlights are BWV 170 with Chatham Baroque, Venus and Adonis with San Diego Bach Collegium (debut,) the Monteverdi Vespers with both Apollo’s Fire and the Washington National Cathedral Baroque Orchestra, Bach’s Christmas Oratorio with The Washington Bach Consort, Handel’s Messiah with Ensemble Altera (debut,) BWV 3 with Bach in Baltimore, and an international tour with The Clarion Choir and The English Concert.

Originally from Michigan, Ms. Dubenion-Smith attended Alma College (Bachelor of Music) before moving to Maryland to complete her studies at The Peabody Conservatory of Music (Master of Music) in Baltimore. https://kristendubenionsmith.com/

Kyle Stegall, tenor

Kyle Stegall’s performances around the world have been met with accolade for his “blemish-free production” (Sydney Morning Herald), “lovely tone and ardent expression” (NY Times), as well as his “lively and empathetic delivery” (San Francisco Classical Voice). An artist who communicates equally well on concert, opera, and recital stages, his performances are characterized by an unfailing attention to style and detail, and a penetrating directness of communication.

Mr. Stegall’s successful solo debuts in Japan, Australia, Vienna, Italy, Singapore, and Canada as well as on major stages across America have been in collaboration with many of the world’s most celebrated artistic directors including Manfred Honeck, Joseph Flummerfelt, William Christie, Stephen Stubbs, and Nicholas McGegan, among others.

Heard frequently as evangelist and tenor soloist in the passions and cantatas of J.S. Bach, Mr. Stegall made his Lincoln Center debut as the evangelist in the St. John Passion under the direction of The Bach Collegium Japan’s artistic director, Masaaki Suzuki. In demand as a symphonic soloist, Mr. Stegall’s seasons often include the oratorios of Handel and Haydn, the great masses of Mozart and Beethoven, and works from the Bel Canto and 20th century concert canon.

Holding a special relationship with the music of Benjamin Britten, Mr. Stegall was twice invited to participate as a fellow at the Aldeburgh Music Festival, in the composer’s hometown of Suffolk, England. There, he performed in recital and studied Britten song and Schubert lieder under the guidance of Ian Bostridge and Malcolm Martineau. Kyle has been heard in recital singing all of the composer’s cycles for tenor, including Britten’s Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings. https://www.kylestegall.com/

Edward Vogel, bass

With a voice described as “rather appealing” (The New York Times), and praised for his “clarion tone” (Chicago Classical Review) and “commanding and animated” presence (Seen & Heard International), baritone Edward Vogel possesses a diverse repertoire spanning ten centuries. Highlights of the 2023-2024 season include solo appearances with GRAMMY®-winning Apollo’s Fire under the direction of Jeannette Sorrell, solo debuts with the Jacksonville and Tucson Symphonies, and his solo debut with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in Handel’s Israel in Egypt, for which Musical America praised him as “one of the evening’s highlights.” Other recent solo appearances include Handel’s Messiah and Monteverdi’s Vespers with Apollo’s Fire; and Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Dona Nobis Pacem, Bach’s Mass in B minor, and Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem with GRAMMY®-nominated True Concord under the direction of Eric Holtan. In 2019 Edward made his international solo debut in Bach’s Mass in G Major at Snape Maltings, UK, under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe. Highly in-demand as an ensemble singer, Mr. Vogel has performed with groups including Bach Collegium Japan, and Paul Hillier’s Theatre of Voices in the world premiere of David Lang’s the writings at Carnegie Hall.

An avid recitalist, Edward finds passion in delivering sensitive, intimate performances of both art song and genres that go beyond the traditional classical canon. A two-time Vocal Fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center, he has honed his craft by coaching with champions of art song including Dawn Upshaw, Roger Vignoles, and the late Sanford Sylvan. His musical interests have led to engaging and acclaimed recitals of repertoire ranging from music of medieval Iberia to British art songs of the twentieth century.

Mr. Vogel holds degrees from the Yale School of Music and the University of Notre Dame.

Ensemble VIII is a world-class vocal ensemble whose mission is to perform vocal music of the Renaissance and Baroque at the highest artistic level with a keen attention to scholarship and historically informed performance practices.

Ensemble VIII comprises some of the nation’s most accomplished and outstanding early musicians. Under the direction of artistic director Donald Meineke, these artists bring to the extremely challenging music of the Baroque and Renaissance superior technical abilities and experience in performing stunning and exacting repertoire.

Ensemble VIII’s ambition is to make the vast canon of Renaissance and Baroque vocal music accessible and fresh to Austin and Central Texas audiences. The ensemble offers a rare opportunity to hear superb specialists in early music perform at the highest degree of technical precision and dramatic intensity.

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The Tallis Scholars | Darkness to Light

The Tallis Scholars | Darkness to Light

Premier British early music choral ensemble

Peter Phillips, conductor

{$30 General | $25 Senior 60+ | $5 Student}


Robert White: Lamentations II

Robert White: Exaudiat te

Thomas Tallis: Lamentations II


Robert Parsons: O bone Jesu

Robert Parsons: Ave Maria

Robert White: Regina caeli

William Byrd: All Saints Propers

  • Gaudeamus omnes

  • Timete Dominum

  • Justorum animae

  • Beati mundo corde

The journey behind this program is a familiar one: from darkness into light. Or, to put it in a more Christian way, from penitence into joy. This is an emotional journey, often associated with Lent and Easter, which has inspired some of the greatest sacred music ever written. Our first half is largely devoted to the mood of Lent, nowhere more beautifully captured than in the two English settings of the Lamentations, by White and Tallis. Both composers are masters at alternating the traditional words of lament with the greater reflection provided by the Hebrew letters, which punctuate the main text.

In the second half we join in worship of Jesus and Mary as they fulfill the Easter prophecy and lead us to heaven through the Saints: Jesus in Parsons's magnificent setting of O bone Jesu; Mary in the Ave Maria and Regina caeli settings. The message of these pieces is then summed up in the complete cycle of Byrd's Propers for All Saints - four motets which take us to stand, with the Saints, before God, who is the origin of light. The beautiful music of Justorum animae - one of Byrd's most performed motets - assures the righteous of their place in heaven, while the final Beati mundo corde affirms that the clean of heart 'shall see God'.

- Peter Phillips

The Tallis Scholars were founded in 1973 by their director, Peter Phillips. Through their recordings and concert performances, they have established themselves as the leading exponents of Renaissance sacred music throughout the world. Peter Phillips has worked with the ensemble to create the purity and clarity of sound which he feels best serves the Renaissance repertoire. It is the resulting beauty of sound for which The Tallis Scholars have become so widely renowned.

The Tallis Scholars perform in both sacred and secular venues, giving around 80 concerts each year. In 2013 the group celebrated their 40th anniversary with a World Tour, and now look ahead to their 50th anniversary in 2023. As of the beginning of the cancellations caused by the COVID-19 crisis, the Tallis Scholars had made 2,327 appearances, worldwide.

2022/23 season highlights include performances in Australia, New York and Boston, Amsterdam, Zurich, Paris, tours of Italy, a number of appearances in London as well as their usual touring schedule around the USA, Europe and the UK. In a monumental project to mark Josquin des Prez’ 500th anniversary celebrations The Tallis Scholars sang all eighteen of the composer’s masses over the course of 4 days at the Boulez Saal in Berlin in July 2022.

Recordings by The Tallis Scholars have attracted many awards throughout the world. The latest recording of Josquin masses including Missa Hercules Dux Ferrarie was released in November 2020 and was winner of the BBC Music Magazine’s much coveted Recording of the Year Award in 2021 and the 2021 Gramophone Early Music Award. This disc was the last of nine albums in The Tallis Scholars' project to record and release all Josquin's masses before the 500th anniversary of the composer’s death in 2021.

Peter Phillips has dedicated his career to the research and performance of Renaissance polyphony, and to the perfecting of choral sound. He founded The Tallis Scholars in 1973, with whom he has now appeared in over 2,300 concerts and made over 60 discs, world-wide. As a result of this commitment Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars have done more than any other group to establish the sacred vocal music of the Renaissance as one of the great repertoires of Western classical music.

Peter Phillips also conducts other specialist ensembles. He is currently working with the BBC Singers, the Netherlands Chamber Choir, the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Intrada (Moscow) and El Leon de Oro (Spain). He is Patron of the Chapel Choir of Merton College Oxford.

In addition to conducting, Peter Phillips is well-known as a writer. For 33 years he contributed a regular music column to The Spectator. In 1995 he became the publisher of The Musical Times, the oldest continuously published music journal in the world. His first book, English Sacred Music 1549-1649, was published by Gimell in 1991, while his second, What We Really Do, appeared in 2013. During 2018, BBC Radio 3 broadcast his view of Renaissance polyphony, in a series of six hour-long programmes, entitled The Glory of Polyphony.

In 2005 Peter Phillips was made a Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Minister of Culture. In 2008 Peter helped to found the chapel choir of Merton College Oxford, where he is a Bodley Fellow; and in 2021 he was elected an Honorary Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford.

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Philharmonie Austin | Brahms & Mendelssohn

Philharmonie Austin | Brahms & Mendelssohn

Brahms Symphony No. 4
Brahms Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn
Mendelssohn Hebrides Overture

Philharmonie Austin
Mark Dupere, conductor

{$30 General | $25 Senior 60+ | $5 Student}

Philharmonie Austin is Austin's premier period instrument orchestra.

In 2002, Redeemer Presbyterian Church began a ten-year collaboration with First Presbyterian Church in its annual St. Cecilia Music Festival. Each year, the two churches contracted period instrument players for three separate concert programs. In 2010, Redeemer moved its part in the festival to the church’s current East Austin location on Alexander Avenue. At that time, the orchestra not only began to accompany the Redeemer Choir but also began its own orchestral concerts under the direction of conductor Mark Dupere. The name Musica Redemptor Orchestra was first adopted and has recently been changed to Philharmonie Austin, and has since played annual orchestra concerts featuring repertoire of the baroque and classical periods. The development of the orchestra more recently expanded in size for the performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah, a work requiring an orchestra of 45 players.

Mark Dupere, conductor

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras.

As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, and Ani-ma Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “Emerging Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently was named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in cello from the University of Texas at Austin and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, the Netherlands, and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting from Michigan State University.

Emily Dupere, concertmaster

Emily Dupere, Australian violinist, has performed as a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral player throughout Europe, the USA, and Australia. She has collaborated with artists such as Malcolm Bilson, Bart van Oort, Petra Somlai, Elizabeth Wallfisch, Shunske Sato, Jaap ter Linden, Sigiswald Kuijken, Maasaki Suzuki, Jos van Immerseel, and Sir John Eliot Gardiner. Emily studied under Paul Wright at the University of Western Australia, graduating with first class honors and was awarded the Lady Callaway Medal for the most outstanding graduate. She completed her studies in baroque violin at The Royal Conservatoire in The Hague with Ryo Terakado, Kati Debretzeni, and Walter Reiter.

In Australia, Emily performed with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra, as an Emerging Artist with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, and with the award-winning Sartory String quartet. In Europe she performed with many groups including The Wallfisch Band (UK), Les Passions de l’âme (Switzerland), Les Inventions (France), Haagsche Hofmuziek (NL), Collegium Musicum Den Haag (NL), The English Baroque Soloists (UK), Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (UK), Bach Collegium Japan, and Anima Eterna Brugge (Belgium). Emily’s particular interests include the sacred music of Bach and classical and romantic chamber music on period instruments.

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Philharmonie Austin | Brahms & Mendelssohn

Philharmonie Austin | Brahms & Mendelssohn

Brahms Symphony No. 4
Brahms Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn
Mendelssohn Hebrides Overture

Philharmonie Austin
Mark Dupere, conductor

{$30 General | $25 Senior 60+ | $5 Student}

Philharmonie Austin is Austin's premier period instrument orchestra.

In 2002, Redeemer Presbyterian Church began a ten-year collaboration with First Presbyterian Church in its annual St. Cecilia Music Festival. Each year, the two churches contracted period instrument players for three separate concert programs. In 2010, Redeemer moved its part in the festival to the church’s current East Austin location on Alexander Avenue. At that time, the orchestra not only began to accompany the Redeemer Choir but also began its own orchestral concerts under the direction of conductor Mark Dupere. The name Musica Redemptor Orchestra was first adopted and has recently been changed to Philharmonie Austin, and has since played annual orchestra concerts featuring repertoire of the baroque and classical periods. The development of the orchestra more recently expanded in size for the performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah, a work requiring an orchestra of 45 players.

Mark Dupere, conductor

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras.

As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, and Ani-ma Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “Emerging Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently was named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in cello from the University of Texas at Austin and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, the Netherlands, and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting from Michigan State University.

Emily Dupere, concertmaster

Emily Dupere, Australian violinist, has performed as a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral player throughout Europe, the USA, and Australia. She has collaborated with artists such as Malcolm Bilson, Bart van Oort, Petra Somlai, Elizabeth Wallfisch, Shunske Sato, Jaap ter Linden, Sigiswald Kuijken, Maasaki Suzuki, Jos van Immerseel, and Sir John Eliot Gardiner. Emily studied under Paul Wright at the University of Western Australia, graduating with first class honors and was awarded the Lady Callaway Medal for the most outstanding graduate. She completed her studies in baroque violin at The Royal Conservatoire in The Hague with Ryo Terakado, Kati Debretzeni, and Walter Reiter.

In Australia, Emily performed with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra, as an Emerging Artist with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, and with the award-winning Sartory String quartet. In Europe she performed with many groups including The Wallfisch Band (UK), Les Passions de l’âme (Switzerland), Les Inventions (France), Haagsche Hofmuziek (NL), Collegium Musicum Den Haag (NL), The English Baroque Soloists (UK), Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (UK), Bach Collegium Japan, and Anima Eterna Brugge (Belgium). Emily’s particular interests include the sacred music of Bach and classical and romantic chamber music on period instruments.

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Ensemble VIII | Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Ensemble VIII | Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Ensemble VIII
Chris Oelkers, organist
Donald Meineke, artistic director

{$30 General | $25 Senior 60+ | $5 Student}

Plan now to attend this inspiring evening to celebrate the beauty of Advent and Christmas with the voices of Ensemble VIII. Director Donald Meineke will lead a choir of 18 singers in this reenactment of the well-known Christmas Eve services at King’s College Chapel, first performed in 1918. The singers will read the traditional lessons and the audience will be invited to sing the carols of the season.

Ensemble VIII is a world-class vocal ensemble whose mission is to perform vocal music of the Renaissance and Baroque at the highest artistic level with a keen attention to scholarship and historically informed performance practices.

Ensemble VIII comprises some of the nation’s most accomplished and outstanding early musicians. Under the direction of artistic director Donald Meineke, these artists bring to the extremely challenging music of the Baroque and Renaissance superior technical abilities and experience in performing stunning and exacting repertoire.

Ensemble VIII’s ambition is to make the vast canon of Renaissance and Baroque vocal music accessible and fresh to Austin and Central Texas audiences. The ensemble offers a rare opportunity to hear superb specialists in early music perform at the highest degree of technical precision and dramatic intensity.


Chris Oelkers, Organist

Chris Oelkers was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A recipient of numerous scholarships and awards, he studied organ and church music at the University of Manitoba, the Toronto Conservatory of Music, and the University of Kansas, where he studied with Michael Bauer and James Higdon. He was Cathedral Organist at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Winnipeg, and later Director of Music for the First Congregational Church of Topeka, Kansas.

From 1998-2005, Chris was Principal Organist and Associate Music Director for Village Presbyterian Church in suburban Kansas City, where he presided over the organ concert series, as well as the Annual Handbell Festival. Chris served as adjudicator for the Carlene Neihart Organ Competition, judging performances in both repertoire and improvisation. During this time, Chris was organist and accompanist for the Festival Singers of Atlanta and later the Festival Singers of Kansas City. He played organ and piano on several CDs, including a recording of the landmark Laudes Organi by Zoltan Kodaly. Chris also served as accompanist for the Kansas City Chorale under the Direction of Charles Bruffy, most notably in a concert performance of the Duruflé Requiem. In 2004, he was commissioned by the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art to provide a live soundtrack for a screening of the 1914 film His Majesty the Scarecrow of Oz.

In August of 2005, he joined the ministry team at St. Louis King of France Catholic Church in Austin, and from 2009–16 served as Director of Music for that parish. In 2016, Chris answered a call to serve as Director of Music and Organist for the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Austin, where he oversees a thriving music ministry in a fast-growing parish.

Chris is active as a recitalist and has given many performances in the United States, Canada, and Europe, most notably at the St. Thomas Church, Leipzig; Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire; St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh; and St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City. He was a semifinalist and finalist in the American Guild of Organists National Competition in Organ Improvisation. Chris was featured on the Great Organ Series at the University of Texas and was Guest Artist on KMFA 89.5 FM radio’s weekly broadcast of Pipeworks. When not occupied as a church musician, he directs the Austin Saengerrunde, a German choir representing the oldest ethnic society in Austin, dating to 1879. Chris and his family live in Austin.


Donald Meineke, Artistic Director

Hailed as a “fresh voice on New York’s musical scene” (The New Yorker), Donald Meineke is an organist, conductor, tenor, and the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of Ensemble VIII. He maintains an active career as a recitalist, lecturer, conductor, and singer performing with local, national, and international ensembles.

Meineke serves as the Director of Music and organist for the historic Church of the Holy Trinity (Episcopal) on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, known fondly as the birthplace of the Christmas carol “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” composed as a collaboration between the priest and organist in 1868. He has served as Cantor of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity in New York City where he led the twice Grammy®-nominated Bach Choir and Players in the internationally renowned Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity series. His Bach Choir’s recording of Samuel Capricornus’ Jubilus Bernhardi, in collaboration with string ensemble ACRONYM, received critical acclaim and was on Colorado Public Radio’s December 2017 “Top 5 Must Have New Recordings” list. His recordings of Capricornus and Bach Vespers have been featured on classical music stations nationally and internationally, including KMFA’s Ancient Voices and WXXI’s With Heart and Voice, and he has appeared as a guest artist on Columbia University-WKCR’s Bachfest. 

He was the Co-Founder and Director of the 2014 Early Music Festival: NYC which featured over thirty concerts by dozens of local and national ensembles to critical acclaim. Meineke served as a choirmaster for Maestro Helmuth Rilling for many years, preparing choirs across Europe and South America for performances of the major choral and orchestral works by Bach, Mozart, and others.

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Festival | Bach, Handel, & Vivaldi

Festival | Bach, Handel, & Vivaldi

Johann Sebastian Bach: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140
Georg Frideric Handel: Concerto Grosso in B-flat Major, HWV 313, Op. 3, No. 2   
Antonio Vivaldi: Gloria

Soloists: Jessica Beebe, soprano; Doug Dodson, countertenor; Steven Brennfleck, tenor; Edward Vogel, bass
The Redeemer Choir
Philharmonie Austin
Mark Dupere, conductor

{no charge for admission}


Mark Dupere, conductor

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras.

As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, and Ani-ma Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “Emerging Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently was named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in cello from the University of Texas at Austin and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, the Netherlands, and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting from Michigan State University.

Jessica Beebe, soprano

Lauded by Opera News as “evocative and ethereal”, “a honey-colored tone”, and "the most radiant solo singing", soprano Jessica Beebe is steadily gaining international attention as an affecting interpreter of repertoire spanning over four centuries, ranging from Renaissance music to contemporary American opera. In recent seasons, she has appeared as a guest soloist in concert with The New York City Chamber Orchestra at Carnegie Hall, The Los Angeles Philharmonic at Walt Disney Hall, The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Raymond Leppard; The Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra; the Princeton Festival Orchestra; The English Concert under Harry Bicket, Bourbon Baroque, Piffaro The Renaissance Wind Band; The Folger Consort; the Delaware Symphony Orchestra; the Utah Symphony under the baton of Craig Jessop, and several other orchestras and ensembles.

Ms. Beebe's vast solo concert and oratorio repertoire includes such major works like Monteverdi's Vespro della beata vergine; Vivaldi's In furore iustissimae iræ and Gloria; Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater; J. S. Bach's Mass in B minor, St. Matthew Passion, St. John Passion, Christmas Oratorio, and a wide range of cantatas; Handel's Messiah, Dixit Dominus, Samson, Semele, Jepthe, and Judas Maccabaeus; Mozart's Mass in C minor, Coronation Mass, Vespers, and Requiem; Haydn's Die Schöpfung, The Seasons, Te Deum, Lord Nelson Mass, and Harmoniemesse; Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem; Fauré's Requiem; Vaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem; Delius' Requiem; and Orff's Carmina Burana. She has also performed late 20th & 21st-century works such as John Adam's El Niño; Andrea Clearfield's Alleluia; Donald McCullough's Song of the Shulamite; John Rutter's Requiem and Mass for the Children; and Richard Einhorn's Voices of Light.

In the realm of opera, Ms. Beebe has performed a variety of roles including Barbarina in Le nozze di Figaro (the role of her 2015 debut with the Princeton Festival), Zerlina in Don Giovanni, and Despina in Così fan tutte; Gluck's Euridice and Humperdinck's Gretel; 20th-century roles such as the First Niece in Peter Grimes with Princeton Opera Festival, and the First Daughter in Akhnaten with Indianapolis Opera, and in 17th-century repertoire, the commanding roles of La Gloire in Lully's Alceste and Purcell's Dido. Highlights of her operatic activity including covering the role of Lila in the 2016 East Coast premiere of Jennifer Higdon's Cold Mountain, and joining Norway's Bergen National Opera to cover the role of the Angel in Netia Jones' hi-tech staged production of Messiah. In 2017, she helped to create the role of Luna in the world premiere of David Hertzberg's The Wake World with Opera Philadelphia and in 2018 she covered Winnie in Lembit Beecher's Sky on Swings. In 2019, Ms. Beebe debuted with the Los Angeles Philharmonic in the west coast debut of Meredith Monk's opera, Atlas. Beebe is a frequent performer of contemporary opera and is currently workshopping new operas with Opera Philadelphia by Jennifer Higdon and Missy Mazzoli.

Ms. Beebe is a member of GRAMMY winning ensemble The Crossing, GRAMMY nominated Clarion Society, GRAMMY nominated Seraphic Fire, founding member of Variant 6, Lorelei Ensemble, Trio Eos and Choral Arts Society of Philadelphia.

A native of the Philadelphia suburbs, Jessica Beebe earned her Bachelor of Music from the University of Delaware, her Master of Music in Early Music from Indiana University, and a Performance Certificate from London's Royal College of Music. Ms. Beebe is on faculty at both Franklin and Marshall and Muhlenberg Colleges. https://www.jessicabeebesoprano.com/

Doug Dodson, countertenor

Possessing a “beautiful, ringing, and agile countertenor” (Boston Classical Review), Doug Dodson brings sensitive musicality and strong dramatic instincts to repertoire ranging from the baroque to the contemporary. Praised as a “vivid countertenor” by the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Dodson’s current and upcoming seasons feature a wide variety of exciting engagements throughout the United States.

In the 2022-23 season, Mr. Dodson makes his debut with Arts on Alexander in Austin, TX, performing parts IV-VI of Bach's Christmas Oratorio. He returns in the spring to sing his first complete St. John Passion of Bach. He will also be featured as a soloist in sections of the Christmas Oratorio and Bach’s Ascension Oratorio with Seraphic Fire (Miami, FL), and in Herr, wende dich und sei mir gnädig, a rarely heard cantata by Johann Christoph Bach with Atlanta's premier professional choral ensemble Kinnara in their exciting first collaboration with the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra. He was also happy to return to the operatic stage in Pegasus Early Music’s production of Monteverdi’s Orfeo as alto soloist and chorus.

Mr. Dodson's previous season in 2021-22 included performances of Handel's Messiah with the South Dakota Symphony in Sioux Falls, SD, and Bourbon Baroque in Louisville, KY. He also was featured as a soloist with Seraphic Fire in several Bach cantatas and a world premiere for men’s choir and countertenor soloist by Ilana Perez Velázquez, in Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb with the Summer Singers of Atlanta, and embarked on a tour of the UK with TENET Vocal Artists to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the birth of composer Thomas Tomkins, including performances in Cambridge, Oxford, Ely, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Edinburgh.

The 2019-20 season was unfortunately cut short due to the covid pandemic, but did include some exciting solo opportunities for Mr. Dodson, including Bach’s Cantata 106 (Actus tragicus) with Seraphic Fire in collaboration with the Aspen Music Festival and conducted by Robert Spano, and Schütz’ Musikalische Exequien with Boston’s Back Bay Chorale.

In the 2018-2019 season, Mr. Dodson appeared as an alto soloist in Handel’s Messiah with New York City’s TENET Vocal Artists, in a unique unconducted performance featuring just twelve singers and the collaborative instrumental ensemble The Sebastians. He also joined TENET as an alto soloist in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, and appeared as the alto soloist in Messiah with the Handel Society of Dartmouth College. Additionally, Mr. Dodson created the role of Arion in the American premiere of Jonathan Dove’s Arion and the Dolphin with the Harvard Summer Chorus, and sang the countertenor solo in Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms with the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra of Newburgh, NY.

Notable past engagements include the role of The United Way in the American premiere of Tod Machover’s highly anticipated new opera Death and the Powers, an innovative collaboration between the MIT Media Lab and The American Repertory Theatre performed at the A.R.T. (Boston, MA) and Chicago Opera Theatre, under the baton of Gil Rose. The world-premiere audio recording of this opera was released in 2021. Other operatic role creations include Ignis in the world premiere of Per Bloland’s opera Pedr Solis and Farinelli the Rooster in Ken Ueno’s Gallo with Guerilla Opera. The Boston Globe called his aria in Gallo “show-stopping” and Lloyd Schwartz (for New York Arts) praised his “impressive and uninhibited” countertenor. An accomplished Handelian, Mr. Dodson has been featured as the alto soloist in Messiah with the Charlotte Symphony and the South Dakota Symphony (among many others), and has performed the operas of Handel, Monteverdi, and Purcell and the cantatas and oratorios of Bach with such organizations as Boston Baroque, Aldeburgh Music, the Aspen Music Festival, the Handel and Haydn Society (Boston, MA), Seraphic Fire (Miami, FL), TENET Vocal Artists (New York, NY), Pacific MusicWorks (Seattle, WA), Pegasus Early Music (Rochester, NY), and the Henry Purcell Society of Boston.

Mr. Dodson is a dedicated ensemble singer and appears regularly with many esteemed choral ensembles throughout the country, including the prestigious Handel & Haydn Society, Seraphic Fire, Skylark, and Kinnara. He has been featured on four GRAMMY-nominated recordings by Skylark and the South Dakota Chorale.

His discography includes the United Way on the world-premiere recording of Tod Machover’s Death and the Powers, the Voice of the Angel on the world-premiere recording of James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, as Perforated on the world-premiere recording of Nicholas Vines’ Loose, Wet, Perforated, and as a soloist in works by Charpentier and Sances on Viva Italia recorded with the Duke Vespers Ensemble.

Mr. Dodson has degrees from the University of South Dakota (Vermillion) and the University of Missouri - Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, and was a proud member of the prestigious Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme in conjunction with Aldeburgh Music in Aldeburgh, UK. He also appears as a regular panelist on the critically acclaimed opera podcast OperaNow! and made his television debut in 2018 as a contestant on season 35 of Jeopardy!, where he was a three-day champion.. https://dougdodson.com/

Steven Brennfleck, tenor

Praised by the New York Times as a “stand out” performer, tenor Steven Brennfleck has been consistently acknowledged for his consummate artistry, vocal flexibility, and moving interpretations on the operatic and concert stage. He has received recognition from Classical Singer Magazine’s AudComps, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions | District Winner ‘06, ‘09, & ’10, and the Mildred Miller International Voice Competition. His operatic credits include performances with American Opera Projects, Glimmerglass Opera, OrpheusPDX, Portland Opera, Spoleto Festival USA, The Tanglewood Festival and others in roles such as Roderick Usher in Philip Glass’ The Fall of the House of Usher, Don Ramiro | Cenerentola, Tamino | Die Zauberflöte, Laurie in Adamo’s Little Women, Madwoman in Britten’s Curlew River, Gonsalve in Ravel’s L’Heure Espagnol, Henrik | A Little Night Music, and Tobias Ragg | Sweeney Todd.

On the concert stage, Mr. Brennfleck has been hailed for his “Outstanding presence and clear, lyric voice” (Texas Classical Review) and “elegant” musicianship (The Baltimore Sun). He is a passionate interpreter of early music and regularly appears with some of the country’s top Baroque musical organizations in works by Bach, Handel, Monteverdi, the French hautre-contre repertory among others. He made his Carnegie Hall debut in 2012 and finds himself equally at home with art song as well as new and contemporary works. Mr. Brennfleck is a featured artist on recordings of Philip Glass’ Orphée with the Portland Opera and Charles Wuorinen’s cantata It Happens Like This among others. He has collaborated with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, American Bach Soloists, Ars Lyrica Houston, Austin Symphony Orchestra, Colorado Bach Ensemble, LA International New Music Festival, Philadelphia’s Lyric Fest, the MET Chamber Ensemble and the Victoria Bach Festival. In addition to his performance schedule, Mr. Brennfleck is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, presenting masterclasses for musicians throughout the United States and abroad. www.stevenbrennfleck.com

Edward Vogel, bass

Praised for his “clarion tone” (Chicago Classical Review) and “commanding and animated” presence (Seen & Heard International), baritone Edward Vogel possesses a diverse repertoire spanning ten centuries. Recent solo appearances have included Handel’s MessiahIsrael in Egypt, and Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine with GRAMMY®-winning Apollo’s Fire under the direction of Jeannette Sorrell; and Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Dona Nobis Pacem, Bach’s Mass in B minor, and Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem with GRAMMY®-nominated True Concord Voices and Orchestra, under the direction of Eric Holtan. The 2023-2024 season will see his solo debut with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, reprising his role in Israel in Egypt with Jeannette Sorrell. In 2019 he made his international solo debut in Bach’s Mass in G Major at Snape Maltings, UK, under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe. Highly in-demand as an ensemble singer, Mr. Vogel has performed with Bach Collegium Japan, and Paul Hillier’s Theatre of Voices in the world premiere of David Lang’s the writings at Carnegie Hall.

An avid recitalist, Edward finds passion in delivering sensitive, intimate performances of both art song and genres that go beyond the traditional classical canon. A two-time Vocal Fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center, he has honed his craft by coaching with champions of art song including Dawn Upshaw, Roger Vignoles, and the late Sanford Sylvan. His musical interests have led to engaging and diverse recitals of repertoire ranging from music of medieval Iberia to British art songs of the twentieth century.

Edward received his Master of Music degree from the Yale School of Music, where he studied with tenor James Taylor. During his time at Yale, he appeared regularly as a soloist with the Yale Schola Cantorum and the Yale Voxtet, most notably in Haydn’s Missa in Angustiis at Lincoln Center with David Hill, and on an album of Christmas music by Heinrich Schütz released on the Hyperion label. Additionally, Mr. Vogel holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, where he studied with baritone Stephen Lancaster. Prior to his studies at Notre Dame, Edward sang for ten years with the Trinity Choir of Men and Boys in New Haven, Connecticut, where he received extensive training under the direction of R. Walden Moore, with whom he continues to collaborate. edwardvogelmusic.com

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Festival | Bach, Handel, & Vivaldi

Festival | Bach, Handel, & Vivaldi

Johann Sebastian Bach: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140
Georg Frideric Handel: Concerto Grosso in B-flat Major, HWV 313, Op. 3, No. 2   
Antonio Vivaldi: Gloria

Soloists: Jessica Beebe, soprano; Doug Dodson, countertenor; Steven Brennfleck, tenor; Edward Vogel, bass
The Redeemer Choir
Philharmonie Austin
Mark Dupere, conductor

{no charge for admission}


Mark Dupere, conductor

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras.

As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, and Ani-ma Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “Emerging Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently was named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in cello from the University of Texas at Austin and the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, the Netherlands, and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting from Michigan State University.

Jessica Beebe, soprano

Lauded by Opera News as “evocative and ethereal”, “a honey-colored tone”, and "the most radiant solo singing", soprano Jessica Beebe is steadily gaining international attention as an affecting interpreter of repertoire spanning over four centuries, ranging from Renaissance music to contemporary American opera. In recent seasons, she has appeared as a guest soloist in concert with The New York City Chamber Orchestra at Carnegie Hall, The Los Angeles Philharmonic at Walt Disney Hall, The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Raymond Leppard; The Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra; the Princeton Festival Orchestra; The English Concert under Harry Bicket, Bourbon Baroque, Piffaro The Renaissance Wind Band; The Folger Consort; the Delaware Symphony Orchestra; the Utah Symphony under the baton of Craig Jessop, and several other orchestras and ensembles.

Ms. Beebe's vast solo concert and oratorio repertoire includes such major works like Monteverdi's Vespro della beata vergine; Vivaldi's In furore iustissimae iræ and Gloria; Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater; J. S. Bach's Mass in B minor, St. Matthew Passion, St. John Passion, Christmas Oratorio, and a wide range of cantatas; Handel's Messiah, Dixit Dominus, Samson, Semele, Jepthe, and Judas Maccabaeus; Mozart's Mass in C minor, Coronation Mass, Vespers, and Requiem; Haydn's Die Schöpfung, The Seasons, Te Deum, Lord Nelson Mass, and Harmoniemesse; Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem; Fauré's Requiem; Vaughan Williams' Dona Nobis Pacem; Delius' Requiem; and Orff's Carmina Burana. She has also performed late 20th & 21st-century works such as John Adam's El Niño; Andrea Clearfield's Alleluia; Donald McCullough's Song of the Shulamite; John Rutter's Requiem and Mass for the Children; and Richard Einhorn's Voices of Light.

In the realm of opera, Ms. Beebe has performed a variety of roles including Barbarina in Le nozze di Figaro (the role of her 2015 debut with the Princeton Festival), Zerlina in Don Giovanni, and Despina in Così fan tutte; Gluck's Euridice and Humperdinck's Gretel; 20th-century roles such as the First Niece in Peter Grimes with Princeton Opera Festival, and the First Daughter in Akhnaten with Indianapolis Opera, and in 17th-century repertoire, the commanding roles of La Gloire in Lully's Alceste and Purcell's Dido. Highlights of her operatic activity including covering the role of Lila in the 2016 East Coast premiere of Jennifer Higdon's Cold Mountain, and joining Norway's Bergen National Opera to cover the role of the Angel in Netia Jones' hi-tech staged production of Messiah. In 2017, she helped to create the role of Luna in the world premiere of David Hertzberg's The Wake World with Opera Philadelphia and in 2018 she covered Winnie in Lembit Beecher's Sky on Swings. In 2019, Ms. Beebe debuted with the Los Angeles Philharmonic in the west coast debut of Meredith Monk's opera, Atlas. Beebe is a frequent performer of contemporary opera and is currently workshopping new operas with Opera Philadelphia by Jennifer Higdon and Missy Mazzoli.

Ms. Beebe is a member of GRAMMY winning ensemble The Crossing, GRAMMY nominated Clarion Society, GRAMMY nominated Seraphic Fire, founding member of Variant 6, Lorelei Ensemble, Trio Eos and Choral Arts Society of Philadelphia.

A native of the Philadelphia suburbs, Jessica Beebe earned her Bachelor of Music from the University of Delaware, her Master of Music in Early Music from Indiana University, and a Performance Certificate from London's Royal College of Music. Ms. Beebe is on faculty at both Franklin and Marshall and Muhlenberg Colleges. https://www.jessicabeebesoprano.com/

Doug Dodson, countertenor

Possessing a “beautiful, ringing, and agile countertenor” (Boston Classical Review), Doug Dodson brings sensitive musicality and strong dramatic instincts to repertoire ranging from the baroque to the contemporary. Praised as a “vivid countertenor” by the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Dodson’s current and upcoming seasons feature a wide variety of exciting engagements throughout the United States.

In the 2022-23 season, Mr. Dodson makes his debut with Arts on Alexander in Austin, TX, performing parts IV-VI of Bach's Christmas Oratorio. He returns in the spring to sing his first complete St. John Passion of Bach. He will also be featured as a soloist in sections of the Christmas Oratorio and Bach’s Ascension Oratorio with Seraphic Fire (Miami, FL), and in Herr, wende dich und sei mir gnädig, a rarely heard cantata by Johann Christoph Bach with Atlanta's premier professional choral ensemble Kinnara in their exciting first collaboration with the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra. He was also happy to return to the operatic stage in Pegasus Early Music’s production of Monteverdi’s Orfeo as alto soloist and chorus.

Mr. Dodson's previous season in 2021-22 included performances of Handel's Messiah with the South Dakota Symphony in Sioux Falls, SD, and Bourbon Baroque in Louisville, KY. He also was featured as a soloist with Seraphic Fire in several Bach cantatas and a world premiere for men’s choir and countertenor soloist by Ilana Perez Velázquez, in Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb with the Summer Singers of Atlanta, and embarked on a tour of the UK with TENET Vocal Artists to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the birth of composer Thomas Tomkins, including performances in Cambridge, Oxford, Ely, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Edinburgh.

The 2019-20 season was unfortunately cut short due to the covid pandemic, but did include some exciting solo opportunities for Mr. Dodson, including Bach’s Cantata 106 (Actus tragicus) with Seraphic Fire in collaboration with the Aspen Music Festival and conducted by Robert Spano, and Schütz’ Musikalische Exequien with Boston’s Back Bay Chorale.

In the 2018-2019 season, Mr. Dodson appeared as an alto soloist in Handel’s Messiah with New York City’s TENET Vocal Artists, in a unique unconducted performance featuring just twelve singers and the collaborative instrumental ensemble The Sebastians. He also joined TENET as an alto soloist in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, and appeared as the alto soloist in Messiah with the Handel Society of Dartmouth College. Additionally, Mr. Dodson created the role of Arion in the American premiere of Jonathan Dove’s Arion and the Dolphin with the Harvard Summer Chorus, and sang the countertenor solo in Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms with the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra of Newburgh, NY.

Notable past engagements include the role of The United Way in the American premiere of Tod Machover’s highly anticipated new opera Death and the Powers, an innovative collaboration between the MIT Media Lab and The American Repertory Theatre performed at the A.R.T. (Boston, MA) and Chicago Opera Theatre, under the baton of Gil Rose. The world-premiere audio recording of this opera was released in 2021. Other operatic role creations include Ignis in the world premiere of Per Bloland’s opera Pedr Solis and Farinelli the Rooster in Ken Ueno’s Gallo with Guerilla Opera. The Boston Globe called his aria in Gallo “show-stopping” and Lloyd Schwartz (for New York Arts) praised his “impressive and uninhibited” countertenor. An accomplished Handelian, Mr. Dodson has been featured as the alto soloist in Messiah with the Charlotte Symphony and the South Dakota Symphony (among many others), and has performed the operas of Handel, Monteverdi, and Purcell and the cantatas and oratorios of Bach with such organizations as Boston Baroque, Aldeburgh Music, the Aspen Music Festival, the Handel and Haydn Society (Boston, MA), Seraphic Fire (Miami, FL), TENET Vocal Artists (New York, NY), Pacific MusicWorks (Seattle, WA), Pegasus Early Music (Rochester, NY), and the Henry Purcell Society of Boston.

Mr. Dodson is a dedicated ensemble singer and appears regularly with many esteemed choral ensembles throughout the country, including the prestigious Handel & Haydn Society, Seraphic Fire, Skylark, and Kinnara. He has been featured on four GRAMMY-nominated recordings by Skylark and the South Dakota Chorale.

His discography includes the United Way on the world-premiere recording of Tod Machover’s Death and the Powers, the Voice of the Angel on the world-premiere recording of James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, as Perforated on the world-premiere recording of Nicholas Vines’ Loose, Wet, Perforated, and as a soloist in works by Charpentier and Sances on Viva Italia recorded with the Duke Vespers Ensemble.

Mr. Dodson has degrees from the University of South Dakota (Vermillion) and the University of Missouri - Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, and was a proud member of the prestigious Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme in conjunction with Aldeburgh Music in Aldeburgh, UK. He also appears as a regular panelist on the critically acclaimed opera podcast OperaNow! and made his television debut in 2018 as a contestant on season 35 of Jeopardy!, where he was a three-day champion.. https://dougdodson.com/

Steven Brennfleck, tenor

Praised by the New York Times as a “stand out” performer, tenor Steven Brennfleck has been consistently acknowledged for his consummate artistry, vocal flexibility, and moving interpretations on the operatic and concert stage. He has received recognition from Classical Singer Magazine’s AudComps, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions | District Winner ‘06, ‘09, & ’10, and the Mildred Miller International Voice Competition. His operatic credits include performances with American Opera Projects, Glimmerglass Opera, OrpheusPDX, Portland Opera, Spoleto Festival USA, The Tanglewood Festival and others in roles such as Roderick Usher in Philip Glass’ The Fall of the House of Usher, Don Ramiro | Cenerentola, Tamino | Die Zauberflöte, Laurie in Adamo’s Little Women, Madwoman in Britten’s Curlew River, Gonsalve in Ravel’s L’Heure Espagnol, Henrik | A Little Night Music, and Tobias Ragg | Sweeney Todd.

On the concert stage, Mr. Brennfleck has been hailed for his “Outstanding presence and clear, lyric voice” (Texas Classical Review) and “elegant” musicianship (The Baltimore Sun). He is a passionate interpreter of early music and regularly appears with some of the country’s top Baroque musical organizations in works by Bach, Handel, Monteverdi, the French hautre-contre repertory among others. He made his Carnegie Hall debut in 2012 and finds himself equally at home with art song as well as new and contemporary works. Mr. Brennfleck is a featured artist on recordings of Philip Glass’ Orphée with the Portland Opera and Charles Wuorinen’s cantata It Happens Like This among others. He has collaborated with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, American Bach Soloists, Ars Lyrica Houston, Austin Symphony Orchestra, Colorado Bach Ensemble, LA International New Music Festival, Philadelphia’s Lyric Fest, the MET Chamber Ensemble and the Victoria Bach Festival. In addition to his performance schedule, Mr. Brennfleck is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, presenting masterclasses for musicians throughout the United States and abroad. www.stevenbrennfleck.com

Edward Vogel, bass

Praised for his “clarion tone” (Chicago Classical Review) and “commanding and animated” presence (Seen & Heard International), baritone Edward Vogel possesses a diverse repertoire spanning ten centuries. Recent solo appearances have included Handel’s MessiahIsrael in Egypt, and Monteverdi’s Vespro della Beata Vergine with GRAMMY®-winning Apollo’s Fire under the direction of Jeannette Sorrell; and Ralph Vaughan Williams’s Dona Nobis Pacem, Bach’s Mass in B minor, and Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem with GRAMMY®-nominated True Concord Voices and Orchestra, under the direction of Eric Holtan. The 2023-2024 season will see his solo debut with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, reprising his role in Israel in Egypt with Jeannette Sorrell. In 2019 he made his international solo debut in Bach’s Mass in G Major at Snape Maltings, UK, under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe. Highly in-demand as an ensemble singer, Mr. Vogel has performed with Bach Collegium Japan, and Paul Hillier’s Theatre of Voices in the world premiere of David Lang’s the writings at Carnegie Hall.

An avid recitalist, Edward finds passion in delivering sensitive, intimate performances of both art song and genres that go beyond the traditional classical canon. A two-time Vocal Fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center, he has honed his craft by coaching with champions of art song including Dawn Upshaw, Roger Vignoles, and the late Sanford Sylvan. His musical interests have led to engaging and diverse recitals of repertoire ranging from music of medieval Iberia to British art songs of the twentieth century.

Edward received his Master of Music degree from the Yale School of Music, where he studied with tenor James Taylor. During his time at Yale, he appeared regularly as a soloist with the Yale Schola Cantorum and the Yale Voxtet, most notably in Haydn’s Missa in Angustiis at Lincoln Center with David Hill, and on an album of Christmas music by Heinrich Schütz released on the Hyperion label. Additionally, Mr. Vogel holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, where he studied with baritone Stephen Lancaster. Prior to his studies at Notre Dame, Edward sang for ten years with the Trinity Choir of Men and Boys in New Haven, Connecticut, where he received extensive training under the direction of R. Walden Moore, with whom he continues to collaborate. edwardvogelmusic.com

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Holbrook Organ Series | S. Andrew Lloyd

Holbrook Organ Series | S. Andrew Lloyd

Concert Organ Recitalist & Composer
Professor of Organ & Composition, the University of Texas at San Antonio
{no charge for admission}

S. Andrew Lloyd

S. Andrew Lloyd, whose music has been described as “monumental, hair-raising, and leaving you agape in awe” (Classical Music Sentinel), is a concert organist and composer, and the Bess Hieronymus Endowed Fellow and Assistant Professor of Organ and Composition at the University of Texas at San Antonio, as well as the 2019/2020 Marlin K. Jensen Artist in Residence at the University of Utah, having previously worked at the University of North Texas.

Lloyd’s compositions have been performed all over the world including the Cathédrale de Notre Dame de Paris, the National Cathedral in Washington DC, Riverside Church New York, Trinity Church and Methuen Hall Boston, the Salt Lake Tabernacle, Moscow Catholic Cathedral in Russia, venues in South Africa and Switzerland, and the 2016 and 2018 National AGO Conventions in Houston and Kansas City respectively.

Lloyd’s works have been performed by many notable ensembles and performers including Ryan Chatterton and the Choral Artists of Fort Worth, Jerry McCoy and the Fort Worth Chorale, Salt Lake Tabernacle organist Richard Elliott, Steve Durtschi and the Cantorum Chamber Choir, baritone Jeffrey Snider, violinist Julia Bushkova, tenor William Joyner, and soprano Jennifer Youngs.

A recording of Lloyd’s monumental art mass, Christus was released in 2017 on the Neumark label, and featured on Pipedreams public radio in December of 2018.

As an active recitalist, Andrew Lloyd has performed at venues throughout the United States including: the Salt Lake Tabernacle, the Eccles Organ Festival at the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, St. John the Evangelist and MusicFest Northwest in Spokane, WA, and as a presenter at the 2015 Southwest Regional AGO Convention in Fort Worth.

Originally from Spokane, WA, Lloyd (b. 1979) earned degrees from the University of North Texas (DMA) the University of Kansas (MM), and Brigham Young University (BM). He studied with the notable composers and organists Forrest Pierce, Jon Nelson, Andrew May, James Worlton, James Higdon, Jesse Eschbach, Douglas Bush, and Janet Ahrend.

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Calmus | LOVE. AMEN!

Calmus | LOVE. AMEN!

LOVE. AMEN! - A concert about the cosmos of love
Premier choral ensemble from Leipzig, Germany
{Ticket prices: $25 General | $20 Senior | $5 Student}


A perfect blend of sound, precision, lightness and wit. These are the hallmarks of Calmus, now one of the most successful vocal groups in Germany. The ensemble has forged a refined sound which few groups achieve. The wide range of sound colors, the joy in performing that musicians convey on the concert platform, and their varied and imaginative programs are praised by the press time and time again. These five Leipzig musicians have won a whole string of international prizes and competitions, including the OPUS KLASSIK, the ECHO KLASSIK and Supersonic Award, and the reach of their activities is constantly expanding, taking them throughout Europe as well as to North and South America. In 2010 the quintet made its debut at Carnegie Hall, New York.

The musicians are tireless in their quest to discover new repertoire. Shaped by the centuries-old tradition of great German boys' choirs, they are naturally at home in the vocal music of the Renaissance, the Baroque and the Romantic. The music of our own time is also a real passion. In all their ventures, there are frequently interesting partnerships with musicians such as the Lautten Compagney Berlin, the Raschèr Saxophone Quartet, Hamburger Ratsmusik and the Frankfurt Radio Bigband. As this often means totally new repertoire in the area of contemporary music, over the years Calmus has commissioned numerous new works from composers including Bernd Franke, Steffen Schleiermacher, Wolfram Buchenberg, Mathew Rosenblum, Bill Dobbins, Michael Denhoff and Harald Banter, and the group has given many world premieres. It goes without saying that they revel in singing pop, folk and jazz, as well as chansons and golden oldies from the 1920s.

Part of their work is devoted to encouraging the up-and-coming generation, so teaching and workshops are part of their regular schedule, both at home in Leipzig and on their travels. It’s no wonder that Calmus is gaining more and more fans worldwide.

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Bach St. John Passion

Bach St. John Passion

If you’re planning on attending the St. John Passion on Friday or Saturday night, please be aware that construction and road work has complicated access to Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Allow more time to get to the church and to find parking.

You can reach Redeemer from Manor Road by heading south on Alexander Avenue.

You can also reach Redeemer by coming from the west on 22nd Street. Note there may be a sign at 22nd Street and Curtis indicating the street is closed, but you can ignore it.

There is no access to the church from Martin Luther King Boulevard, as Alexander Avenue heading north is closed.

Given that conditions around the church change frequently, you might check back here before you head out.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. We look forward to seeing you this weekend!

Chorus (ensemble viii and members of the Redeemer Choir)

Philharmonie Austin
25-member ensemble playing period instruments
Mark Dupere, conductor
{no charge for admission}

Mark Dupere, conductor

Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras as well the Fox Valley Youth Orchestra. As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, Anima Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “New Young Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in Cello from the University of Texas at Austin, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Net herlands and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting at Michigan State University.


Kyle Stegall, tenor (Evangelist)

Kyle Stegall’s performances around the world have been met with accolade for his “blemish-free production” (Sydney Morning Herald), “lovely tone and ardent expression” (NY Times), as well as his “lively and empathetic delivery” (San Francisco Classical Voice). An artist who communicates equally well on concert, opera, and recital stages, his performances are characterized by an unfailing attention to style and detail, and a penetrating directness of communication.

Mr. Stegall’s successful solo debuts in Japan, Australia, Vienna, Italy, Singapore, and Canada as well as on major stages across America have been in collaboration with many of the world’s most celebrated artistic directors including Manfred Honeck, Joseph Flummerfelt, William Christie, Stephen Stubbs, and Nicholas McGegan, among others.

Heard frequently as evangelist and tenor soloist in the passions and cantatas of J.S. Bach, Mr. Stegall made his Lincoln Center debut as the evangelist in the St. John Passion under the direction of The Bach Collegium Japan’s artistic director, Masaaki Suzuki. In demand as a symphonic soloist, Mr. Stegall’s seasons often include the oratorios of Handel and Haydn, the great masses of Mozart and Beethoven, and works from the Bel Canto and 20th century concert canon.

Holding a special relationship with the music of Benjamin Britten, Mr. Stegall was twice invited to participate as a fellow at the Aldeburgh Music Festival, in the composer’s hometown of Suffolk, England. There, he performed in recital and studied Britten song and Schubert lieder under the guidance of Ian Bostridge and Malcolm Martineau. Kyle has been heard in recital singing all of the composer’s cycles for tenor, including Britten’s Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings.

A dedicated proponent of the song recital, Mr. Stegall personally curates recitals each season which reveal the vast colors and emotional range the collected repertoire has to offer. Recent recitals have included the complete sacred works for tenor and piano by Britten (presented by the Yale Center for British Art), English and French song in the 20th century, and Schumann and his contemporaries with fortepianist Eric Zivian at the Valley of the Moon Music Festival.

Praised for possessing an “ability to absorb viewers into the action, something which is rarely achieved in opera,” (SF Classical Voice), Mr. Stegall's stage skills have made him a popular choice for the leading lyric tenor roles in the works of Mozart as well as in operas of the Bel Canto era. 

Mr. Stegall is a proud alumnus of the universities of Missouri, Michigan, and Yale.  


Dimitri German, baritone (Jesus)

Dimitri German is a bass-baritone from Chicago and a graduate of Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music. A frequent soloist and member of the Grammy Award-winning ensemble, The Crossing, he is a featured soloist on four of their eight Grammy-nominated recordings. A frequent concert soloist, Dimitri has recently appeared with the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Waukegan Symphony Orchestra, and the Bach Choir of Bethlehem in Pennsylvania. Dimitri regularly sings with the Chicago Symphony Chorus, and has performed with the Lyric Opera of Chicago, Grant Park Symphony Chorus, Chicago Opera Theater, Music of the Baroque, William Ferris Chorale, and Constellation Men’s Ensemble.


John Buffett, bass, (Pilate)

Baritone John Buffett enjoys a versatile career lending his “warm tone and ringing top notes” (Salt Lake Tribune) to music from the early baroque through 20th and 21st century.  Recent solo engagements include Bach’s “St. John Passion” with the Oregon and Charlotte Bach festivals, Copland’s “Old American Songs” with the Pacific Symphony, and Handel’s Messiah with Seraphic Fire.

Buffett has been a featured soloist with the Pacific Symphony, the Utah, San Antonio, Winston-Salem, and Syracuse Symphonies, The Mark Morris Dance Group, The Pacific Chorale, and the Rochester Philharmonic.  He has also been a featured performer with many leading Early Music Ensembles including: Apollo’s Fire, Ars Lyrica, Bach Collegium San Diego, The Boston Early Music Festival, Con Gioia, The Charlotte Bach Academy, The Oregon Bach Festival, and Tesserae Baroque.  In the Opera house, Buffett has performed numerous roles with Utah Opera, Sarasota Opera, Opera Memphis, Utah Festival Opera, San Diego Baroque, and The Ohio Light Opera.  Also an accomplished Chamber musician, he regularly performs with some of America’s best choral ensembles like Seraphic Fire, The Santa Fe Desert Chorale, and the Los Angeles Master Chorale.

Solo appearances at the Tanglewood Music Festival, the Aspen Music Festival and the Mostly Mozart Festival at Lincoln Center highlight other important performances.  Buffett, currently on voice faculty at CSU Long Beach’s Bob Cole Conservatory of Music, and for the Professional Choral Institute at the Aspen Music Festival, received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Eastman School of Music.



Jolle Greenleaf, soprano

Soprano Jolle Greenleaf is one of today’s foremost figures in the field of early music. Balancing a career as a leading soloist and an innovative impressaria, she is in great demand as a guest artist and instructor, and she serves as artistic director of the New York City-based early music ensemble TENET Vocal Artists.

Originally from California, Ms. Greenleaf attended the University of California at Santa Barbara before moving to New York City and completing a Masters in Music at Mannes College of Music. She lived abroad in Amsterdam and studied at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague, the Netherlands before returning to New York City to launch a career devoted to solo and small ensemble singing.

Ms. Greenleaf has been hailed by The New York Times as a “golden soprano” and “a major force in the New York early music-scene.” She is a celebrated interpreter of the music of Bach, Buxtehude, Handel, Purcell and, most notably, Claudio Monteverdi. Her “crisp, sensuous voice” (The New Yorker) has been praised for its “purity and beguiling naturalness” (The Oregonian) and “intriguing beauty” (The Boston Globe) .

“A treasured staple in New York,” Ms. Greenleaf was named the artistic director of TENET Vocal Artists in 2009, where she sings and directs the ensemble in repertoire spanning the Middle Ages to the present day. Her flair for imaginative programming has been lauded by The New York Times as “adventurous and expressive,” as well as “smart, varied and not entirely early.” She spearheaded TENET’s Green Mountain Project, whose annual performances of Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 from 2010-2020 were universally acclaimed. She appears with TENET Vocal Artists at distinguished New York City venues including Carnegie Hall, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York’s Society for Ethical Culture, Columbia University’s Italian Academy, and St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue.

Ms. Greenleaf has performed as a soloist in venues throughout the U.S., Scandinavia, Europe, and Central America for important presenters including Vancouver Early Music Festival, Denmark’s Vendsyssel Festival, Costa Rica International Music Festival, Puerto Rico’s Festival Casals, Utrecht Festival, at Panama’s National Theater, and San Cristobal, the Cathedral in Havana, Cuba.


Doug Dodson, countertenor

Possessing a “beautiful, ringing, and agile countertenor” (Boston Classical Review), Doug Dodson brings sensitive musicality and strong dramatic instincts to repertoire ranging from the baroque to the contemporary.  Praised as a “vivid countertenor” by the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Dodson’s current and upcoming seasons feature a wide variety of exciting engagements throughout the United States.

In the 2018-2019 season, Mr. Dodson appeared as an alto soloist in Handel’s Messiah with New York City’s TENET Vocal Artists, in a unique unconducted performance featuring just twelve singers and the collaborative instrumental ensemble The Sebastians. He also joined TENET as an alto soloist in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, and appeared as the alto soloist in Messiah with the Handel Society of Dartmouth College. Additionally, Mr. Dodson created the role of Arion in the American premiere of Jonathan Dove’s Arion and the Dolphin with the Harvard Summer Chorus, and sang the countertenor solo in Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms with the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra of Newburgh, NY.

In 2017-2018, Mr. Dodson made his mainstage solo debut with Boston’s Handel & Haydn Society in Cantata 147 (“Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben”) as well as his solo debut with Boston Baroque as Nireno in Handel’s Giulio Cesare. He appeared as the Spirit in Dido and Aeneas with Pegasus Early Music (Rochester, NY), Cupid in Venus and Adonis with the Oregon Bach Festival, Speranza in L’Orfeo with Pacific MusicWorks (Seattle, WA), the alto soloist in Bach’s St. John Passion with the Oregon Bach Festival, the countertenor soloist in Hail, Bright Cecilia with the Henry Purcell Society of Boston, and the Soprano III soloist in the modern premiere of the surviving movements of Alessandro Melani’s Oratorio on the Life of St. Theodora with Reed College Collegium as part of their fringe festival performance in conjunction with the Boston Early Music Festival,

During that season Mr. Dodson also joined Guerilla Opera in the role of Perforated in Nicholas Vines’ new opera Loose, Wet, Perforated, a role which he recorded for commercial release on Navona Records. Reviewing the world premiere recording, Opera News praised him as a  “sleazy Perforated, inserting sappy pop-inspired scoops into his angular vocal line and breaking out in manic, cackling repetitions of a single pitch.” Gwen Bennett of Music Trust E-Zine commended him for “deliver[ing] his role with crystalline clarity and, at times, a certain amount of irony.”

In the 2016-2017 season, Mr. Dodson performed the Voice of the Angel in composer James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, a new oratorio commissioned by Music at Marsh Chapel, which he subsequently sang on the piece’s world-premiere recording released on Gothic Records.  Other solo debuts included alto soloist in Bach’s Mass in B Minor with the Master Chorale of South Florida, Vivaldi’s Gloria with the Newburyport Choral Society, and Handel’s Messiah with the South Dakota Symphony.

Notable past engagements include the role of The United Way in the American premiere of Tod Machover’s highly anticipated new opera Death and the Powers, an innovative collaboration between the MIT Media Lab and The American Repertory Theatre performed at the A.R.T. and Chicago Opera Theatre, under the baton of Gil Rose. Mr. Dodson created the role of Ignis in the world premiere of Per Bloland’s opera Pedr Solis with Guerilla Opera. Mr. Dodson also created the role of Farinelli the Rooster in Guerilla Opera’s world premiere production of Ken Ueno’s 2014 opera Gallo with Guerilla. The Boston Globe called his aria “show-stopping” and Lloyd Schwartz (for New York Arts) praised his “impressive and uninhibited” countertenor. An accomplished Handelian, Mr. Dodson performed the alto solos in Messiah with Music at Marsh Chapel, Kansas City Baroque Consortium, and Handel Choir of Baltimore, and also appeared as Athamas in Semele with the Handel Choir of Baltimore. He has also performed the alto solos in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with Spire Chamber Ensemble (Kansas City), the role of Isaac in Britten’s Canticle II -- Abraham and Isaac with Music at Marsh Chapel, Oberon in Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream with Lowell House Opera (Harvard University), and many others.

Mr. Dodson is a dedicated ensemble singer and appears regularly with several esteemed choral ensembles throughout the country, including the prestigious Handel & Haydn Society, Seraphic Fire, Skylark, and the South Dakota Chorale.

His discography includes the Voice of the Angel on the world premiere recording of James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, as Perforated on the world premiere recording of Nicholas Vines’ Loose, Wet, Perforated, and as a soloist in works by Charpentier and Sances on Viva Italia released on MSR Classics.  

Mr. Dodson has degrees from University of South Dakota (Vermillion) and the University of Missouri - Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, and was a proud member of the prestigious Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme in conjunction with Aldeburgh Music in Aldeburgh, UK. He also appears as a regular panelist on the critically acclaimed opera podcast OperaNow! and made his television debut this year as a contestant on season 35 of Jeopardy!, where he was a three-day champion.


Steven Brennfleck, tenor

Praised by the New York Times as a “stand out” performer, tenor Steven Brennfleck has been consistently acknowledged for his consummate artistry, vocal flexibility, and moving interpretations on the operatic and concert stage. He has received recognition from Classical Singer Magazine’s AudComps, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions | District Winner ‘06, ‘09, & ’10, and the Mildred Miller International Voice Competition. His operatic credits include performances with American Opera Projects, Glimmerglass Opera, OrpheusPDX, Portland Opera, Spoleto Festival USA, The Tanglewood Festival and others in roles such as Roderick Usher in Philip Glass’ The Fall of the House of Usher, Don Ramiro | Cenerentola, Tamino | Die Zauberflöte, Laurie in Adamo’s Little Women, Madwoman in Britten’s Curlew River, Gonsalve in Ravel’s L’Heure Espagnol,

Henrik | A Little Night Music, and Tobias Ragg | Sweeney Todd.

On the concert stage, Mr. Brennfleck has been hailed for his “Outstanding presence and clear,

lyric voice” (Texas Classical Review) and “elegant” musicianship (The Baltimore Sun). He is a passionate interpreter of early music and regularly appears with some of the country’s top Baroque musical organizations in works by Bach, Handel, Monteverdi, the French hautre-contre repertory among others. He made his Carnegie Hall debut in 2012 and finds himself equally at home with

art song as well as new and contemporary works. Mr. Brennfleck is a featured artist on recordings of Philip Glass’ Orphée with the Portland Opera and Charles Wuorinen’s cantata

It Happens Like This among others. He has collaborated with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, American Bach Soloists, Ars Lyrica Houston, Austin Symphony Orchestra, Colorado Bach Ensemble, LA International New Music Festival, Philadelphia’s Lyric Fest, the MET Chamber Ensemble and the Victoria Bach Festival. In addition to his performance schedule, Mr. Brennfleck is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, presenting masterclasses for musicians throughout the United States and abroad.


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Bach St. John Passion

Bach St. John Passion

If you’re planning on attending the St. John Passion on Friday or Saturday night, please be aware that construction and road work has complicated access to Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Allow more time to get to the church and to find parking.

You can reach Redeemer from Manor Road by heading south on Alexander Avenue.

You can also reach Redeemer by coming from the west on 22nd Street. Note there may be a sign at 22nd Street and Curtis indicating the street is closed, but you can ignore it.

There is no access to the church from Martin Luther King Boulevard, as Alexander Avenue heading north is closed.

Given that conditions around the church change frequently, you might check back here before you head out.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. We look forward to seeing you this weekend!

Chorus (ensemble viii and members of the Redeemer Choir)

Philharmonie Austin
25-member ensemble playing period instruments
Mark Dupere, conductor
{no charge for admission}

The Redeemer Choir
Mark Dupere

Mark Dupere, conductor

Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras as well the Fox Valley Youth Orchestra. As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, Anima Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “New Young Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in Cello from the University of Texas at Austin, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Net herlands and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting at Michigan State University.


Kyle Stegall, tenor (Evangelist)

Kyle Stegall’s performances around the world have been met with accolade for his “blemish-free production” (Sydney Morning Herald), “lovely tone and ardent expression” (NY Times), as well as his “lively and empathetic delivery” (San Francisco Classical Voice). An artist who communicates equally well on concert, opera, and recital stages, his performances are characterized by an unfailing attention to style and detail, and a penetrating directness of communication.

Mr. Stegall’s successful solo debuts in Japan, Australia, Vienna, Italy, Singapore, and Canada as well as on major stages across America have been in collaboration with many of the world’s most celebrated artistic directors including Manfred Honeck, Joseph Flummerfelt, William Christie, Stephen Stubbs, and Nicholas McGegan, among others.

Heard frequently as evangelist and tenor soloist in the passions and cantatas of J.S. Bach, Mr. Stegall made his Lincoln Center debut as the evangelist in the St. John Passion under the direction of The Bach Collegium Japan’s artistic director, Masaaki Suzuki. In demand as a symphonic soloist, Mr. Stegall’s seasons often include the oratorios of Handel and Haydn, the great masses of Mozart and Beethoven, and works from the Bel Canto and 20th century concert canon.

Holding a special relationship with the music of Benjamin Britten, Mr. Stegall was twice invited to participate as a fellow at the Aldeburgh Music Festival, in the composer’s hometown of Suffolk, England. There, he performed in recital and studied Britten song and Schubert lieder under the guidance of Ian Bostridge and Malcolm Martineau. Kyle has been heard in recital singing all of the composer’s cycles for tenor, including Britten’s Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings.

A dedicated proponent of the song recital, Mr. Stegall personally curates recitals each season which reveal the vast colors and emotional range the collected repertoire has to offer. Recent recitals have included the complete sacred works for tenor and piano by Britten (presented by the Yale Center for British Art), English and French song in the 20th century, and Schumann and his contemporaries with fortepianist Eric Zivian at the Valley of the Moon Music Festival.

Praised for possessing an “ability to absorb viewers into the action, something which is rarely achieved in opera,” (SF Classical Voice), Mr. Stegall's stage skills have made him a popular choice for the leading lyric tenor roles in the works of Mozart as well as in operas of the Bel Canto era. 

Mr. Stegall is a proud alumnus of the universities of Missouri, Michigan, and Yale.  


Dimitri German, baritone (Jesus)

Dimitri German is a bass-baritone from Chicago and a graduate of Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music. A frequent soloist and member of the Grammy Award-winning ensemble, The Crossing, he is a featured soloist on four of their eight Grammy-nominated recordings. A frequent concert soloist, Dimitri has recently appeared with the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Waukegan Symphony Orchestra, and the Bach Choir of Bethlehem in Pennsylvania. Dimitri regularly sings with the Chicago Symphony Chorus, and has performed with the Lyric Opera of Chicago, Grant Park Symphony Chorus, Chicago Opera Theater, Music of the Baroque, William Ferris Chorale, and Constellation Men’s Ensemble.


John Buffett, bass, (Pilate)

Baritone John Buffett enjoys a versatile career lending his “warm tone and ringing top notes” (Salt Lake Tribune) to music from the early baroque through 20th and 21st century.  Recent solo engagements include Bach’s “St. John Passion” with the Oregon and Charlotte Bach festivals, Copland’s “Old American Songs” with the Pacific Symphony, and Handel’s Messiah with Seraphic Fire.

Buffett has been a featured soloist with the Pacific Symphony, the Utah, San Antonio, Winston-Salem, and Syracuse Symphonies, The Mark Morris Dance Group, The Pacific Chorale, and the Rochester Philharmonic.  He has also been a featured performer with many leading Early Music Ensembles including: Apollo’s Fire, Ars Lyrica, Bach Collegium San Diego, The Boston Early Music Festival, Con Gioia, The Charlotte Bach Academy, The Oregon Bach Festival, and Tesserae Baroque.  In the Opera house, Buffett has performed numerous roles with Utah Opera, Sarasota Opera, Opera Memphis, Utah Festival Opera, San Diego Baroque, and The Ohio Light Opera.  Also an accomplished Chamber musician, he regularly performs with some of America’s best choral ensembles like Seraphic Fire, The Santa Fe Desert Chorale, and the Los Angeles Master Chorale.

Solo appearances at the Tanglewood Music Festival, the Aspen Music Festival and the Mostly Mozart Festival at Lincoln Center highlight other important performances.  Buffett, currently on voice faculty at CSU Long Beach’s Bob Cole Conservatory of Music, and for the Professional Choral Institute at the Aspen Music Festival, received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Eastman School of Music.



Jolle Greenleaf, soprano

Soprano Jolle Greenleaf is one of today’s foremost figures in the field of early music. Balancing a career as a leading soloist and an innovative impressaria, she is in great demand as a guest artist and instructor, and she serves as artistic director of the New York City-based early music ensemble TENET Vocal Artists.

Originally from California, Ms. Greenleaf attended the University of California at Santa Barbara before moving to New York City and completing a Masters in Music at Mannes College of Music. She lived abroad in Amsterdam and studied at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague, the Netherlands before returning to New York City to launch a career devoted to solo and small ensemble singing.

Ms. Greenleaf has been hailed by The New York Times as a “golden soprano” and “a major force in the New York early music-scene.” She is a celebrated interpreter of the music of Bach, Buxtehude, Handel, Purcell and, most notably, Claudio Monteverdi. Her “crisp, sensuous voice” (The New Yorker) has been praised for its “purity and beguiling naturalness” (The Oregonian) and “intriguing beauty” (The Boston Globe) .

“A treasured staple in New York,” Ms. Greenleaf was named the artistic director of TENET Vocal Artists in 2009, where she sings and directs the ensemble in repertoire spanning the Middle Ages to the present day. Her flair for imaginative programming has been lauded by The New York Times as “adventurous and expressive,” as well as “smart, varied and not entirely early.” She spearheaded TENET’s Green Mountain Project, whose annual performances of Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 from 2010-2020 were universally acclaimed. She appears with TENET Vocal Artists at distinguished New York City venues including Carnegie Hall, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York’s Society for Ethical Culture, Columbia University’s Italian Academy, and St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue.

Ms. Greenleaf has performed as a soloist in venues throughout the U.S., Scandinavia, Europe, and Central America for important presenters including Vancouver Early Music Festival, Denmark’s Vendsyssel Festival, Costa Rica International Music Festival, Puerto Rico’s Festival Casals, Utrecht Festival, at Panama’s National Theater, and San Cristobal, the Cathedral in Havana, Cuba.


Doug Dodson, countertenor

Possessing a “beautiful, ringing, and agile countertenor” (Boston Classical Review), Doug Dodson brings sensitive musicality and strong dramatic instincts to repertoire ranging from the baroque to the contemporary.  Praised as a “vivid countertenor” by the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Dodson’s current and upcoming seasons feature a wide variety of exciting engagements throughout the United States.

In the 2018-2019 season, Mr. Dodson appeared as an alto soloist in Handel’s Messiah with New York City’s TENET Vocal Artists, in a unique unconducted performance featuring just twelve singers and the collaborative instrumental ensemble The Sebastians. He also joined TENET as an alto soloist in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, and appeared as the alto soloist in Messiah with the Handel Society of Dartmouth College. Additionally, Mr. Dodson created the role of Arion in the American premiere of Jonathan Dove’s Arion and the Dolphin with the Harvard Summer Chorus, and sang the countertenor solo in Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms with the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra of Newburgh, NY.

In 2017-2018, Mr. Dodson made his mainstage solo debut with Boston’s Handel & Haydn Society in Cantata 147 (“Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben”) as well as his solo debut with Boston Baroque as Nireno in Handel’s Giulio Cesare. He appeared as the Spirit in Dido and Aeneas with Pegasus Early Music (Rochester, NY), Cupid in Venus and Adonis with the Oregon Bach Festival, Speranza in L’Orfeo with Pacific MusicWorks (Seattle, WA), the alto soloist in Bach’s St. John Passion with the Oregon Bach Festival, the countertenor soloist in Hail, Bright Cecilia with the Henry Purcell Society of Boston, and the Soprano III soloist in the modern premiere of the surviving movements of Alessandro Melani’s Oratorio on the Life of St. Theodora with Reed College Collegium as part of their fringe festival performance in conjunction with the Boston Early Music Festival,

During that season Mr. Dodson also joined Guerilla Opera in the role of Perforated in Nicholas Vines’ new opera Loose, Wet, Perforated, a role which he recorded for commercial release on Navona Records. Reviewing the world premiere recording, Opera News praised him as a  “sleazy Perforated, inserting sappy pop-inspired scoops into his angular vocal line and breaking out in manic, cackling repetitions of a single pitch.” Gwen Bennett of Music Trust E-Zine commended him for “deliver[ing] his role with crystalline clarity and, at times, a certain amount of irony.”

In the 2016-2017 season, Mr. Dodson performed the Voice of the Angel in composer James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, a new oratorio commissioned by Music at Marsh Chapel, which he subsequently sang on the piece’s world-premiere recording released on Gothic Records.  Other solo debuts included alto soloist in Bach’s Mass in B Minor with the Master Chorale of South Florida, Vivaldi’s Gloria with the Newburyport Choral Society, and Handel’s Messiah with the South Dakota Symphony.

Notable past engagements include the role of The United Way in the American premiere of Tod Machover’s highly anticipated new opera Death and the Powers, an innovative collaboration between the MIT Media Lab and The American Repertory Theatre performed at the A.R.T. and Chicago Opera Theatre, under the baton of Gil Rose. Mr. Dodson created the role of Ignis in the world premiere of Per Bloland’s opera Pedr Solis with Guerilla Opera. Mr. Dodson also created the role of Farinelli the Rooster in Guerilla Opera’s world premiere production of Ken Ueno’s 2014 opera Gallo with Guerilla. The Boston Globe called his aria “show-stopping” and Lloyd Schwartz (for New York Arts) praised his “impressive and uninhibited” countertenor. An accomplished Handelian, Mr. Dodson performed the alto solos in Messiah with Music at Marsh Chapel, Kansas City Baroque Consortium, and Handel Choir of Baltimore, and also appeared as Athamas in Semele with the Handel Choir of Baltimore. He has also performed the alto solos in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with Spire Chamber Ensemble (Kansas City), the role of Isaac in Britten’s Canticle II -- Abraham and Isaac with Music at Marsh Chapel, Oberon in Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream with Lowell House Opera (Harvard University), and many others.

Mr. Dodson is a dedicated ensemble singer and appears regularly with several esteemed choral ensembles throughout the country, including the prestigious Handel & Haydn Society, Seraphic Fire, Skylark, and the South Dakota Chorale.

His discography includes the Voice of the Angel on the world premiere recording of James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, as Perforated on the world premiere recording of Nicholas Vines’ Loose, Wet, Perforated, and as a soloist in works by Charpentier and Sances on Viva Italia released on MSR Classics.  

Mr. Dodson has degrees from University of South Dakota (Vermillion) and the University of Missouri - Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, and was a proud member of the prestigious Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme in conjunction with Aldeburgh Music in Aldeburgh, UK. He also appears as a regular panelist on the critically acclaimed opera podcast OperaNow! and made his television debut this year as a contestant on season 35 of Jeopardy!, where he was a three-day champion.


Steven Brennfleck, tenor

Praised by the New York Times as a “stand out” performer, tenor Steven Brennfleck has been consistently acknowledged for his consummate artistry, vocal flexibility, and moving interpretations on the operatic and concert stage. He has received recognition from Classical Singer Magazine’s AudComps, Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions | District Winner ‘06, ‘09, & ’10, and the Mildred Miller International Voice Competition. His operatic credits include performances with American Opera Projects, Glimmerglass Opera, OrpheusPDX, Portland Opera, Spoleto Festival USA, The Tanglewood Festival and others in roles such as Roderick Usher in Philip Glass’ The Fall of the House of Usher, Don Ramiro | Cenerentola, Tamino | Die Zauberflöte, Laurie in Adamo’s Little Women, Madwoman in Britten’s Curlew River, Gonsalve in Ravel’s L’Heure Espagnol,

Henrik | A Little Night Music, and Tobias Ragg | Sweeney Todd.

On the concert stage, Mr. Brennfleck has been hailed for his “Outstanding presence and clear,

lyric voice” (Texas Classical Review) and “elegant” musicianship (The Baltimore Sun). He is a passionate interpreter of early music and regularly appears with some of the country’s top Baroque musical organizations in works by Bach, Handel, Monteverdi, the French hautre-contre repertory among others. He made his Carnegie Hall debut in 2012 and finds himself equally at home with

art song as well as new and contemporary works. Mr. Brennfleck is a featured artist on recordings of Philip Glass’ Orphée with the Portland Opera and Charles Wuorinen’s cantata

It Happens Like This among others. He has collaborated with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra, American Bach Soloists, Ars Lyrica Houston, Austin Symphony Orchestra, Colorado Bach Ensemble, LA International New Music Festival, Philadelphia’s Lyric Fest, the MET Chamber Ensemble and the Victoria Bach Festival. In addition to his performance schedule, Mr. Brennfleck is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, presenting masterclasses for musicians throughout the United States and abroad.


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Holbrook Organ Series | Kirk Rich

Holbrook Organ Series | Kirk Rich

Director of Music & Organist, All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Atlanta
{no charge for admission}

Dr. Kirk M. Rich is the Director of Music at All Saints’ Episcopal Church. A native of Kentucky, Kirk has served as a liturgical organist for over two decades. He holds degrees in organ performance from the Oberlin College Conservatory, the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, and a doctorate from the University of Houston’s Moores School of Music. Additional study has been with Francesco Cera in Italy and Ludger Lohmann in Germany. Kirk has performed in England, France, Italy, and across the U.S. in venues such as St. Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue (New York City), the Kennedy Center (Washington, DC), and three national conventions of the American Guild of Organists. He served as organist for the RSCM America National Choir 2018/2019 winter residency at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland, under the direction of Bruce Neswick. Kirk’s performances have been broadcast nationally on American Public Media’s Pipedreams program.

At All Saints’, Kirk directs the Adult Choir of volunteers, staff singers, and choral scholars. He shares organ-playing responsibilities with the interim organist and manages an ever-expanding concert series. Additionally, Kirk oversees the maintenance and care of the Kenan Memorial Organ, Buzard, Op. 29. 

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Emi Ferguson & Ruckus | Fly the Coop

Emi Ferguson & Ruckus | Fly the Coop

Bach’s Flute Sonatas & Keyboard Preludes
A Baroque band from New England with a fresh, visceral approach to early music
{Ticket prices: $25 General | $20 Senior | $5 Student}

Emi Ferguson, Traverso

Hailed by critics for her “tonal bloom” and “hauntingly beautiful performances,” English-American performer and composer Emi Ferguson stretches the boundaries of what is expected of modern-day musicians.  Emi’s unique approach to the flute can be heard in performances that alternate between the Silver Flute, Historical Flutes, and Auxilary Flutes, playing repertoire that stretches from the Renaissance to today.

Emi can be heard live in concerts and festivals around the world as a soloist and with groups including AMOC*, the New York New Music Ensemble, the Handel and Haydn Society, and the Manhattan Chamber Players. She has spoken and performed at several TEDX events and has been featured on media outlets including The Discovery Channel, Vox's "Explained" series on Netflix, Amazon's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and Juilliard Digital's TouchPress apps talking about how music relates to our world today.  Her debut album, Amour Cruel, an indie-pop song cycle inspired by the music of the 17th century French court was released by Arezzo Music in September 2017, spending 4 weeks on the Classical, Classical Crossover, and World Music Billboard Charts. Her 2019 album Fly the Coop: Bach Sonatas and Preludes, a collaboration with continuo band Ruckus debuted at #1 on the iTunes classical charts and #2 on the Billboard classical charts, and was called “blindingly impressive...a fizzing, daring display of personality and imagination” by The New York Times. In addition to her solo recordings, Emi has also been featured on recordings for New Focus Records, Old Focus Records, Canteloupe Music, National Sawdust Tracks, Brontosaurus Records, Coro, and MSR Classics.

Emi was a featured performer alongside Yo-Yo Ma, Paul Simon, and James Taylor at the 10th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony of 9/11 at Ground Zero, where her performance of Amazing Grace was televised worldwide. Her performance that day is now part of the permanent collection at the 911 Museum.

Emi is passionate about developing new music and has premiered works by many of today's leading composers. Emi has been a featured performer at the Marlboro Music, Lake Champlain, and Lucerne Festivals, Portland Bach Festival, Bach Virtuosi Festival, June in Buffalo, Twickenham Fest, and Chamberfest Dubuque, and has performed and taught with Juilliard Global in Brazil, pianoSonoma in California, Juilliard Baroque in Germany, and Les Arts Florissants in France and has been featured as a soloist and ambassador for Elliott Carter’s music in China and Japan.  

As a historical Flutist, in addition to her appointment as Principal Flute of the Handel and Haydn Society, Emi is thrilled to be a frequent guest artist with period ensembles including Tafelmusik,. She can also be heard with period instrument groups including Voices of Music, the American Classical Orchestra, and Trinity Baroque Orchestra.  She was the only flutist accepted to Juilliard’s inaugural Historical Performance class, and has performed alongside William Christie and Les Arts Florrisants, and with Christophe Hammer, Massaki Suzuki, Christopher Hogwood, and Nicholas McGegan.

Emi is currently on the faculty of the Juilliard School teaching Ear Training, the Bach Virtuosi Festival, and has taught on the faculty of the University of Buffalo.  Emi was the first person to have graduated from Juilliard with Undergraduate and Graduate degrees with Scholastic Distinction in flute performance, as well as a second Graduate degree in Historical Performance as a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow.

Her principal teachers have been Carol Wincenc, Sandra Miller, Robert Langevin, and Judy Grant. Born in Japan and raised in London and Boston, she now resides in New York City.

Ruckus is a baroque band with a fresh, visceral approach to early music. The ensemble’s debut earned widespread critical acclaim: “achingly delicate one moment, incisive and punchy the next” (The New York Times), “superb” (Opera News). Ruckus’ core members form a continuo group, the baroque equivalent of a rhythm section: guitars, keyboards, cello, bassoon and bass. The ensemble aims to fuse the early-music movement’s questing, creative spirit with the grit, groove and jangle of American roots music, creating a unique sound of “rough-edged intensity” (The New Yorker).

Ruckus’ first album, an acclaimed collaboration with Emi Ferguson of Bach Sonatas and Preludes, debuted at #2 on the Billboard Charts.

Current programs in development include: Holy Manna, a participatory concert experience through Shape-Note music, featuring John Taylor Ward, Bridge Kennedy, Sophie Michaux and Adam Jacob Simon; Arcadian Visions, a recital featuring Emi Ferguson and Rachell Ellen Wong; and Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre Sonatas with violinist Keir GoGwilt.

Ruckus: Early Music Band

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Holbrook Organ Series | Joonho Park

Holbrook Organ Series | Joonho Park

Concert Organist in South Korea
Organist, Redeemer Presbyterian Church
{no charge for admission}

Joonho Park

Joonho Park, organist

Organist Joonho Park was born in 1985, in Seoul, South Korea. He began his first musical training through piano lessons at the age of 5. As a young child, he won first prize at a national music competition for young pianists. At the age of 15, Park began studying organ at the Korea National University of Arts (KNUA) studying with Jakyung Oh, graduating in 2007. Park went on to study with Jon Laukvik at the University of Performing Arts and Music Stuttgart and completed his Master's degree. He is currently working towards an Artist’s Diploma (Konzertexamen) program in Stuttgart. Park’s numerous awards and honorable mentions from competitions include the first prize at the ‘Jangcheon-Klais Organ Concours’ in Korea (2003), first prize and the Bach special prize at the ‘International Organ Competition of Graz’ in Austria (2006), second prize and the Mozart special prize at the ‘International Organ Competition of St. Maurice’ in Switzerland (2007), third prize and the audience prize at the ‘International Organ Competition of Musashino-Tokyo’ in Japan (2008), first prize at the  ‘International Organ Competition of Nuremberg’ in Germany (2009), first prize at the 'Dublin International Organ Competition' in Ireland (2011) and most recently the Second Prize at the Grand prix de Chartres.

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Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Christmas Lessons from the Scriptures
The Carols of Christmas
The Redeemer Choir with Brass Quintet
{no charge for admission}

The King’s College Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was first held on Christmas Eve 1918. It was planned by Eric Milner-White, who at the age of thirty-four had just been appointed Dean of King’s after experience as an army chaplain, which had convinced him that the Church of England needed more imaginative worship. The music was then directed by Arthur Henry Mann, Organist 1876-1929. The choir included sixteen trebles as laid down in King Henry VI’s statutes, but until 1927 the men’s voices were provided partly by Choral Scholars and partly by older Lay Clerks, and not, as now, by fourteen undergraduates.

A revision of the Order of Service was made in 1919, involving rearrangement of the lessons, and from that date the service has always begun with the hymn “Once in Royal David’s City.” In almost every year some carols have been changed and some new ones introduced by successive Organists: Arthur Henry Mann; Boris Ord, 1929-57; Harold Darke (his substitute during the war), 1940-45; Sir David Willcocks, 1957-73; Philip Ledger, 1974-82 and, from 1982, Stephen Cleobury. The backbone of the service, the lessons and the prayers, has remained virtually unchanged.

The original service was, in fact, adapted from an Order drawn up by E.W. Benson, later Archbishop of Canterbury, for use in the wooden shed, which then served as his cathedral in Truro, at 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve 1880. A.C. Benson recalled: “My father arranged from ancient sources a little service for Christmas Eve—nine carols and nine tiny lessons, which were read by various officers of the Church, beginning with a chorister, and ending, through the different grades, with the Bishop.” The suggestion had come from G.H.S. Walpole, later Bishop of Edinburgh.

Almost immediately other churches adapted the service for their own use. A wider frame began to grow when the service was first broadcast in 1928 and, with the exception of 1930, it has been broadcast annually, even during the Second World War, when the ancient glass (and also all heat) had been removed from the Chapel and the name of King’s could not be broadcast for security reasons. Sometime in the early 1930s the BBC began broadcasting the service on overseas programs. It is estimated that there are millions of listeners worldwide. Recordings of carols by Decca and EMI have also served to spread its fame.

In these and other ways the service has become public property. From time to time the College receives copies of services held, for example, in the West Indies or the Far East, and these show how widely the tradition has spread. The broadcasts, too, have become part of Christmas for many far from Cambridge. One correspondent writes that he heard the service in a tent on the foothills of Everest; another, in the desert. Many listen at home, busy about their own preparations for Christmas. Visitors from all over the world are heard to identify the King’s College Chapel as “the place where the Carols are sung.”

Wherever the service is heard and however it is adapted, whether the music is provided by choir or congregation, the pattern and strength of the service, as Dean Milner-White pointed out, derive from the lessons and not the music. “The main theme is the development of the loving purposes of God…” seen ‘through the windows and words of the Bible’. Local interests appear, as they do here, in the bidding prayer, and personal circumstances give point to different parts of the service. Many of those who took part in the first service must have recalled those killed in the Great War when it came to the famous passage “all those who rejoice with us but on another shore and in a greater light.” The center of the service is still found by those who “go in heart and mind” and who consent to follow where the story leads.

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Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Christmas Lessons from the Scriptures
The Carols of Christmas
The Redeemer Choir with Brass Quintet
{no charge for admission}

The King’s College Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was first held on Christmas Eve 1918. It was planned by Eric Milner-White, who at the age of thirty-four had just been appointed Dean of King’s after experience as an army chaplain, which had convinced him that the Church of England needed more imaginative worship. The music was then directed by Arthur Henry Mann, Organist 1876-1929. The choir included sixteen trebles as laid down in King Henry VI’s statutes, but until 1927 the men’s voices were provided partly by Choral Scholars and partly by older Lay Clerks, and not, as now, by fourteen undergraduates.

A revision of the Order of Service was made in 1919, involving rearrangement of the lessons, and from that date the service has always begun with the hymn “Once in Royal David’s City.” In almost every year some carols have been changed and some new ones introduced by successive Organists: Arthur Henry Mann; Boris Ord, 1929-57; Harold Darke (his substitute during the war), 1940-45; Sir David Willcocks, 1957-73; Philip Ledger, 1974-82 and, from 1982, Stephen Cleobury. The backbone of the service, the lessons and the prayers, has remained virtually unchanged.

The original service was, in fact, adapted from an Order drawn up by E.W. Benson, later Archbishop of Canterbury, for use in the wooden shed, which then served as his cathedral in Truro, at 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve 1880. A.C. Benson recalled: “My father arranged from ancient sources a little service for Christmas Eve—nine carols and nine tiny lessons, which were read by various officers of the Church, beginning with a chorister, and ending, through the different grades, with the Bishop.” The suggestion had come from G.H.S. Walpole, later Bishop of Edinburgh.

Almost immediately other churches adapted the service for their own use. A wider frame began to grow when the service was first broadcast in 1928 and, with the exception of 1930, it has been broadcast annually, even during the Second World War, when the ancient glass (and also all heat) had been removed from the Chapel and the name of King’s could not be broadcast for security reasons. Sometime in the early 1930s the BBC began broadcasting the service on overseas programs. It is estimated that there are millions of listeners worldwide. Recordings of carols by Decca and EMI have also served to spread its fame.

In these and other ways the service has become public property. From time to time the College receives copies of services held, for example, in the West Indies or the Far East, and these show how widely the tradition has spread. The broadcasts, too, have become part of Christmas for many far from Cambridge. One correspondent writes that he heard the service in a tent on the foothills of Everest; another, in the desert. Many listen at home, busy about their own preparations for Christmas. Visitors from all over the world are heard to identify the King’s College Chapel as “the place where the Carols are sung.”

Wherever the service is heard and however it is adapted, whether the music is provided by choir or congregation, the pattern and strength of the service, as Dean Milner-White pointed out, derive from the lessons and not the music. “The main theme is the development of the loving purposes of God…” seen ‘through the windows and words of the Bible’. Local interests appear, as they do here, in the bidding prayer, and personal circumstances give point to different parts of the service. Many of those who took part in the first service must have recalled those killed in the Great War when it came to the famous passage “all those who rejoice with us but on another shore and in a greater light.” The center of the service is still found by those who “go in heart and mind” and who consent to follow where the story leads.

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Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248

Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248

Cantata No. IV: For New Year's Day
Cantata No. V: For the First Sunday in the new year
Cantata No. VI: For the Feast of the Epiphany


  • Evangelist: Kyle Stegall

  • Soprano: Jennifer Paulino

  • Countertenor: Doug Dodson

  • Baritone: Gil Zilkha

The Redeemer Choir
Philharmonie Austin:

  • A 27-piece ensemble playing on period instruments

Mark Dupere, conductor

{no charge for admission}


Mark Dupere, conductor

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras as well the Fox Valley Youth Orchestra. As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, Anima Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “New Young Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in Cello from the University of Texas at Austin, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting at Michigan State University.

Kyle Stegall, tenor (Evangelist)

Kyle Stegall’s performances around the world have been met with accolade for his “blemish-free production” (Sydney Morning Herald), “lovely tone and ardent expression” (NY Times), as well as his “lively and empathetic delivery” (San Francisco Classical Voice). An artist who communicates equally well on concert, opera, and recital stages, his performances are characterized by an unfailing attention to style and detail, and a penetrating directness of communication.

Mr. Stegall’s successful solo debuts in Japan, Australia, Vienna, Italy, Singapore, and Canada as well as on major stages across America have been in collaboration with many of the world’s most celebrated artistic directors including Manfred Honeck, Joseph Flummerfelt, William Christie, Stephen Stubbs, and Nicholas McGegan, among others.

Heard frequently as evangelist and tenor soloist in the passions and cantatas of J.S. Bach, Mr. Stegall made his Lincoln Center debut as the evangelist in the St. John Passion under the direction of The Bach Collegium Japan’s artistic director, Masaaki Suzuki. In demand as a symphonic soloist, Mr. Stegall’s seasons often include the oratorios of Handel and Haydn, the great masses of Mozart and Beethoven, and works from the Bel Canto and 20th century concert canon.

Holding a special relationship with the music of Benjamin Britten, Mr. Stegall was twice invited to participate as a fellow at the Aldeburgh Music Festival, in the composer’s hometown of Suffolk, England. There, he performed in recital and studied Britten song and Schubert lieder under the guidance of Ian Bostridge and Malcolm Martineau. Kyle has been heard in recital singing all of the composer’s cycles for tenor, including Britten’s Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings.

A dedicated proponent of the song recital, Mr. Stegall personally curates recitals each season which reveal the vast colors and emotional range the collected repertoire has to offer. Recent recitals have included the complete sacred works for tenor and piano by Britten (presented by the Yale Center for British Art), English and French song in the 20th century, and Schumann and his contemporaries with fortepianist Eric Zivian at the Valley of the Moon Music Festival.

Praised for possessing an “ability to absorb viewers into the action, something which is rarely achieved in opera,” (SF Classical Voice), Mr. Stegall's stage skills have made him a popular choice for the leading lyric tenor roles in the works of Mozart as well as in operas of the Bel Canto era. 

Mr. Stegall is a proud alumnus of the universities of Missouri, Michigan, and Yale.  

Jennifer Paulino, soprano

San Francisco Bay Area soprano Jennifer Paulino’s voice has been praised as “graceful yet powerful” and “sensitive and clear” by San Francisco Classical Voice.  Her performance in Handel’s Messiah with Seraphic Fire was praised in South Florida Classical Voice:  “The sheer beauty and sincerity that soprano Jennifer Paulino brought to I know that my Redeemer liveth would be hard to equal.”

Jennifer specializes in 17th and 18th century repertoire, and appears with period ensembles and orchestras nationally.  Recent performances include a concert of cantatas by Conti, Bernier, and J.S. Bach with Grammy nominated Agave baroque ensemble, and Buxtehude’s Jesu Membra Nostri, J.S Bach’s Magnificat, and Johann Kunau’s Magnificat with renowned Belgian ensemble Vox Luminis at the 2022 Berkeley Festival and Exhibition.  She regularly appears with Philharmonie Austin and the Redeemer Choir, as well as Cantata Collective (CA), Bach Collegium San Diego, California Bach Society, Santa Cruz Chorale, San Francisco Choral Society, and at the Carmel Bach Festival.  Jennifer has also made solo appearances at Festival Mozaic (San Luis Obispo), the Festival of Contemporary Music in San Francisco, and the Tropical Baroque Festival in Miami, FL. Internationally, Jennifer has performed at the Organs of Ballarat Festival in Australia, the International Chamber Music Festival in Olsztyn, Poland, and in Odense, Denmark for David Lang’s The Little Match Girl Passion.

In addition to baroque and classical period repertoire, Jennifer is also at home performing contemporary works.  She is passionate about collaborating with living composers and has premiered works by Stacy Garrop, Lansing McLoskey, Jocelyn Hagen, and Preben Antonsen, among others.  

Jennifer studied baroque styles with Julianne Baird, Jill Feldman, and Michael Chance, and holds degrees from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, Netherlands and Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, NJ.  In 2010, Jennifer won second prize in the Gerhard Herz Young Artists Competition for her interpretation of works by Bach, Mozart, and Handel, and in 2012 she was the Cal-West regional winner and a national finalist for the Artist Awards Competition for the National Association Teachers of Singing.

When Jennifer’s not performing, she’s teaching voice, caring for her young son, and composing and arranging with her husband, an indie singer-songwriter. www.jenniferpaulino.com

Doug Dodson, countertenor

Possessing a “beautiful, ringing, and agile countertenor” (Boston Classical Review), Doug Dodson brings sensitive musicality and strong dramatic instincts to repertoire ranging from the baroque to the contemporary.  Praised as a “vivid countertenor” by the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Dodson’s current and upcoming seasons feature a wide variety of exciting engagements throughout the United States.

In the 2018-2019 season, Mr. Dodson appeared as an alto soloist in Handel’s Messiah with New York City’s TENET Vocal Artists, in a unique unconducted performance featuring just twelve singers and the collaborative instrumental ensemble The Sebastians. He also joined TENET as an alto soloist in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, and appeared as the alto soloist in Messiah with the Handel Society of Dartmouth College. Additionally, Mr. Dodson created the role of Arion in the American premiere of Jonathan Dove’s Arion and the Dolphin with the Harvard Summer Chorus, and sang the countertenor solo in Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms with the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra of Newburgh, NY.

In 2017-2018, Mr. Dodson made his mainstage solo debut with Boston’s Handel & Haydn Society in Cantata 147 (“Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben”) as well as his solo debut with Boston Baroque as Nireno in Handel’s Giulio Cesare. He appeared as the Spirit in Dido and Aeneas with Pegasus Early Music (Rochester, NY), Cupid in Venus and Adonis with the Oregon Bach Festival, Speranza in L’Orfeo with Pacific MusicWorks (Seattle, WA), the alto soloist in Bach’s St. John Passion with the Oregon Bach Festival, the countertenor soloist in Hail, Bright Cecilia with the Henry Purcell Society of Boston, and the Soprano III soloist in the modern premiere of the surviving movements of Alessandro Melani’s Oratorio on the Life of St. Theodora with Reed College Collegium as part of their fringe festival performance in conjunction with the Boston Early Music Festival,

During that season Mr. Dodson also joined Guerilla Opera in the role of Perforated in Nicholas Vines’ new opera Loose, Wet, Perforated, a role which he recorded for commercial release on Navona Records. Reviewing the world premiere recording, Opera News praised him as a  “sleazy Perforated, inserting sappy pop-inspired scoops into his angular vocal line and breaking out in manic, cackling repetitions of a single pitch.” Gwen Bennett of Music Trust E-Zine commended him for “deliver[ing] his role with crystalline clarity and, at times, a certain amount of irony.”

In the 2016-2017 season, Mr. Dodson performed the Voice of the Angel in composer James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, a new oratorio commissioned by Music at Marsh Chapel, which he subsequently sang on the piece’s world-premiere recording released on Gothic Records.  Other solo debuts included alto soloist in Bach’s Mass in B Minor with the Master Chorale of South Florida, Vivaldi’s Gloria with the Newburyport Choral Society, and Handel’s Messiah with the South Dakota Symphony.

Notable past engagements include the role of The United Way in the American premiere of Tod Machover’s highly anticipated new opera Death and the Powers, an innovative collaboration between the MIT Media Lab and The American Repertory Theatre performed at the A.R.T. and Chicago Opera Theatre, under the baton of Gil Rose. Mr. Dodson created the role of Ignis in the world premiere of Per Bloland’s opera Pedr Solis with Guerilla Opera. Mr. Dodson also created the role of Farinelli the Rooster in Guerilla Opera’s world premiere production of Ken Ueno’s 2014 opera Gallo with Guerilla. The Boston Globe called his aria “show-stopping” and Lloyd Schwartz (for New York Arts) praised his “impressive and uninhibited” countertenor. An accomplished Handelian, Mr. Dodson performed the alto solos in Messiah with Music at Marsh Chapel, Kansas City Baroque Consortium, and Handel Choir of Baltimore, and also appeared as Athamas in Semele with the Handel Choir of Baltimore. He has also performed the alto solos in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with Spire Chamber Ensemble (Kansas City), the role of Isaac in Britten’s Canticle II -- Abraham and Isaac with Music at Marsh Chapel, Oberon in Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream with Lowell House Opera (Harvard University), and many others.

Mr. Dodson is a dedicated ensemble singer and appears regularly with several esteemed choral ensembles throughout the country, including the prestigious Handel & Haydn Society, Seraphic Fire, Skylark, and the South Dakota Chorale.

His discography includes the Voice of the Angel on the world premiere recording of James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, as Perforated on the world premiere recording of Nicholas Vines’ Loose, Wet, Perforated, and as a soloist in works by Charpentier and Sances on Viva Italia released on MSR Classics.  

Mr. Dodson has degrees from University of South Dakota (Vermillion) and the University of Missouri - Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, and was a proud member of the prestigious Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme in conjunction with Aldeburgh Music in Aldeburgh, UK. He also appears as a regular panelist on the critically acclaimed opera podcast OperaNow! and made his television debut this year as a contestant on season 35 of Jeopardy!, where he was a three-day champion.

Gil Zilkha, baritone

Gil Zilkha, baritone,  enjoys an active singing career in repertoire ranging from early music to new composition, art song to opera, and covering a wide variety of cultural styles. He is equally adept at immersing himself in serious as well as comic roles. In addition to venues throughout the United States, Gil has performed concert solos in Germany, Austria, Ireland, and Wales. 

Based in his native Austin, Texas, Gil has performed numerous concert and oratorio solos. Some of his favorites include the role of Jesus in the Bach PassionsIch habe genug, and the bass solo in Mozart's Requiem. Gil made his Austin Lyric Opera debut in 2009 as Count Ceprano in Verdi's Rigoletto. With the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Austin, he has performed the roles of Captain Corcoran in HMS Pinafore and King Hildebrand in Princess Ida.

Gil has performed with such award-winning ensembles as the Oregon Bach Festival Berwick Chorus, Conspirare, and the Texas Early Music Project. He received his Masters in Voice Performance from the University of Texas at Austin in 2000. His principal voice teachers were Rose Taylor and Nikita Storojev.

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Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248

Bach Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248

Cantata No. IV: For New Year's Day
Cantata No. V: For the First Sunday in the new year
Cantata No. VI: For the Feast of the Epiphany


  • Evangelist: Kyle Stegall

  • Soprano: Jennifer Paulino

  • Countertenor: Doug Dodson

  • Baritone: Gil Zilkha

The Redeemer Choir
Philharmonie Austin:

  • A 27-piece ensemble playing on period instruments

Mark Dupere, conductor

{no charge for admission}

The Redeemer Choir

Mark Dupere, conductor

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras as well the Fox Valley Youth Orchestra. As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, Anima Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “New Young Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in Cello from the University of Texas at Austin, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting at Michigan State University.

Kyle Stegall

Kyle Stegall, tenor (Evangelist)

Kyle Stegall’s performances around the world have been met with accolade for his “blemish-free production” (Sydney Morning Herald), “lovely tone and ardent expression” (NY Times), as well as his “lively and empathetic delivery” (San Francisco Classical Voice). An artist who communicates equally well on concert, opera, and recital stages, his performances are characterized by an unfailing attention to style and detail, and a penetrating directness of communication.

Mr. Stegall’s successful solo debuts in Japan, Australia, Vienna, Italy, Singapore, and Canada as well as on major stages across America have been in collaboration with many of the world’s most celebrated artistic directors including Manfred Honeck, Joseph Flummerfelt, William Christie, Stephen Stubbs, and Nicholas McGegan, among others.

Heard frequently as evangelist and tenor soloist in the passions and cantatas of J.S. Bach, Mr. Stegall made his Lincoln Center debut as the evangelist in the St. John Passion under the direction of The Bach Collegium Japan’s artistic director, Masaaki Suzuki. In demand as a symphonic soloist, Mr. Stegall’s seasons often include the oratorios of Handel and Haydn, the great masses of Mozart and Beethoven, and works from the Bel Canto and 20th century concert canon.

Holding a special relationship with the music of Benjamin Britten, Mr. Stegall was twice invited to participate as a fellow at the Aldeburgh Music Festival, in the composer’s hometown of Suffolk, England. There, he performed in recital and studied Britten song and Schubert lieder under the guidance of Ian Bostridge and Malcolm Martineau. Kyle has been heard in recital singing all of the composer’s cycles for tenor, including Britten’s Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings.

A dedicated proponent of the song recital, Mr. Stegall personally curates recitals each season which reveal the vast colors and emotional range the collected repertoire has to offer. Recent recitals have included the complete sacred works for tenor and piano by Britten (presented by the Yale Center for British Art), English and French song in the 20th century, and Schumann and his contemporaries with fortepianist Eric Zivian at the Valley of the Moon Music Festival.

Praised for possessing an “ability to absorb viewers into the action, something which is rarely achieved in opera,” (SF Classical Voice), Mr. Stegall's stage skills have made him a popular choice for the leading lyric tenor roles in the works of Mozart as well as in operas of the Bel Canto era. 

Mr. Stegall is a proud alumnus of the universities of Missouri, Michigan, and Yale.  

Jennifer Paulino

Jennifer Paulino, soprano

San Francisco Bay Area soprano Jennifer Paulino’s voice has been praised as “graceful yet powerful” and “sensitive and clear” by San Francisco Classical Voice.  Her performance in Handel’s Messiah with Seraphic Fire was praised in South Florida Classical Voice:  “The sheer beauty and sincerity that soprano Jennifer Paulino brought to I know that my Redeemer liveth would be hard to equal.”

Jennifer specializes in 17th and 18th century repertoire, and appears with period ensembles and orchestras nationally.  Recent performances include a concert of cantatas by Conti, Bernier, and J.S. Bach with Grammy nominated Agave baroque ensemble, and Buxtehude’s Jesu Membra Nostri, J.S Bach’s Magnificat, and Johann Kunau’s Magnificat with renowned Belgian ensemble Vox Luminis at the 2022 Berkeley Festival and Exhibition.  She regularly appears with Philharmonie Austin and the Redeemer Choir, as well as Cantata Collective (CA), Bach Collegium San Diego, California Bach Society, Santa Cruz Chorale, San Francisco Choral Society, and at the Carmel Bach Festival.  Jennifer has also made solo appearances at Festival Mozaic (San Luis Obispo), the Festival of Contemporary Music in San Francisco, and the Tropical Baroque Festival in Miami, FL. Internationally, Jennifer has performed at the Organs of Ballarat Festival in Australia, the International Chamber Music Festival in Olsztyn, Poland, and in Odense, Denmark for David Lang’s The Little Match Girl Passion.

In addition to baroque and classical period repertoire, Jennifer is also at home performing contemporary works.  She is passionate about collaborating with living composers and has premiered works by Stacy Garrop, Lansing McLoskey, Jocelyn Hagen, and Preben Antonsen, among others.  

Jennifer studied baroque styles with Julianne Baird, Jill Feldman, and Michael Chance, and holds degrees from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, Netherlands and Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, NJ.  In 2010, Jennifer won second prize in the Gerhard Herz Young Artists Competition for her interpretation of works by Bach, Mozart, and Handel, and in 2012 she was the Cal-West regional winner and a national finalist for the Artist Awards Competition for the National Association Teachers of Singing.

When Jennifer’s not performing, she’s teaching voice, caring for her young son, and composing and arranging with her husband, an indie singer-songwriter. www.jenniferpaulino.com

Doug Dodson

Doug Dodson, countertenor

Possessing a “beautiful, ringing, and agile countertenor” (Boston Classical Review), Doug Dodson brings sensitive musicality and strong dramatic instincts to repertoire ranging from the baroque to the contemporary.  Praised as a “vivid countertenor” by the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Dodson’s current and upcoming seasons feature a wide variety of exciting engagements throughout the United States.

In the 2018-2019 season, Mr. Dodson appeared as an alto soloist in Handel’s Messiah with New York City’s TENET Vocal Artists, in a unique unconducted performance featuring just twelve singers and the collaborative instrumental ensemble The Sebastians. He also joined TENET as an alto soloist in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, and appeared as the alto soloist in Messiah with the Handel Society of Dartmouth College. Additionally, Mr. Dodson created the role of Arion in the American premiere of Jonathan Dove’s Arion and the Dolphin with the Harvard Summer Chorus, and sang the countertenor solo in Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms with the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra of Newburgh, NY.

In 2017-2018, Mr. Dodson made his mainstage solo debut with Boston’s Handel & Haydn Society in Cantata 147 (“Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben”) as well as his solo debut with Boston Baroque as Nireno in Handel’s Giulio Cesare. He appeared as the Spirit in Dido and Aeneas with Pegasus Early Music (Rochester, NY), Cupid in Venus and Adonis with the Oregon Bach Festival, Speranza in L’Orfeo with Pacific MusicWorks (Seattle, WA), the alto soloist in Bach’s St. John Passion with the Oregon Bach Festival, the countertenor soloist in Hail, Bright Cecilia with the Henry Purcell Society of Boston, and the Soprano III soloist in the modern premiere of the surviving movements of Alessandro Melani’s Oratorio on the Life of St. Theodora with Reed College Collegium as part of their fringe festival performance in conjunction with the Boston Early Music Festival,

During that season Mr. Dodson also joined Guerilla Opera in the role of Perforated in Nicholas Vines’ new opera Loose, Wet, Perforated, a role which he recorded for commercial release on Navona Records. Reviewing the world premiere recording, Opera News praised him as a  “sleazy Perforated, inserting sappy pop-inspired scoops into his angular vocal line and breaking out in manic, cackling repetitions of a single pitch.” Gwen Bennett of Music Trust E-Zine commended him for “deliver[ing] his role with crystalline clarity and, at times, a certain amount of irony.”

In the 2016-2017 season, Mr. Dodson performed the Voice of the Angel in composer James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, a new oratorio commissioned by Music at Marsh Chapel, which he subsequently sang on the piece’s world-premiere recording released on Gothic Records.  Other solo debuts included alto soloist in Bach’s Mass in B Minor with the Master Chorale of South Florida, Vivaldi’s Gloria with the Newburyport Choral Society, and Handel’s Messiah with the South Dakota Symphony.

Notable past engagements include the role of The United Way in the American premiere of Tod Machover’s highly anticipated new opera Death and the Powers, an innovative collaboration between the MIT Media Lab and The American Repertory Theatre performed at the A.R.T. and Chicago Opera Theatre, under the baton of Gil Rose. Mr. Dodson created the role of Ignis in the world premiere of Per Bloland’s opera Pedr Solis with Guerilla Opera. Mr. Dodson also created the role of Farinelli the Rooster in Guerilla Opera’s world premiere production of Ken Ueno’s 2014 opera Gallo with Guerilla. The Boston Globe called his aria “show-stopping” and Lloyd Schwartz (for New York Arts) praised his “impressive and uninhibited” countertenor. An accomplished Handelian, Mr. Dodson performed the alto solos in Messiah with Music at Marsh Chapel, Kansas City Baroque Consortium, and Handel Choir of Baltimore, and also appeared as Athamas in Semele with the Handel Choir of Baltimore. He has also performed the alto solos in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with Spire Chamber Ensemble (Kansas City), the role of Isaac in Britten’s Canticle II -- Abraham and Isaac with Music at Marsh Chapel, Oberon in Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream with Lowell House Opera (Harvard University), and many others.

Mr. Dodson is a dedicated ensemble singer and appears regularly with several esteemed choral ensembles throughout the country, including the prestigious Handel & Haydn Society, Seraphic Fire, Skylark, and the South Dakota Chorale.

His discography includes the Voice of the Angel on the world premiere recording of James Kallembach’s The Most Sacred Body, as Perforated on the world premiere recording of Nicholas Vines’ Loose, Wet, Perforated, and as a soloist in works by Charpentier and Sances on Viva Italia released on MSR Classics.  

Mr. Dodson has degrees from University of South Dakota (Vermillion) and the University of Missouri - Kansas City Conservatory of Music and Dance, and was a proud member of the prestigious Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme in conjunction with Aldeburgh Music in Aldeburgh, UK. He also appears as a regular panelist on the critically acclaimed opera podcast OperaNow! and made his television debut this year as a contestant on season 35 of Jeopardy!, where he was a three-day champion.

Gil Zilkha, baritone

Gil Zilkha, baritone,  enjoys an active singing career in repertoire ranging from early music to new composition, art song to opera, and covering a wide variety of cultural styles. He is equally adept at immersing himself in serious as well as comic roles. In addition to venues throughout the United States, Gil has performed concert solos in Germany, Austria, Ireland, and Wales. 

Based in his native Austin, Texas, Gil has performed numerous concert and oratorio solos. Some of his favorites include the role of Jesus in the Bach PassionsIch habe genug, and the bass solo in Mozart's Requiem. Gil made his Austin Lyric Opera debut in 2009 as Count Ceprano in Verdi's Rigoletto. With the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Austin, he has performed the roles of Captain Corcoran in HMS Pinafore and King Hildebrand in Princess Ida.

Gil has performed with such award-winning ensembles as the Oregon Bach Festival Berwick Chorus, Conspirare, and the Texas Early Music Project. He received his Masters in Voice Performance from the University of Texas at Austin in 2000. His principal voice teachers were Rose Taylor and Nikita Storojev.

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Holbrook Organ Series | Weston Jennings

Holbrook Organ Series | Weston Jennings

Concert Organ Recitalist
Director of Music & Organist, First Presbyterian Church, Tyler, TX

{no charge for admission}

Weston Jennings

Weston Jennings

Having first encountered the pipe organ at the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp (Michigan) at the age of sixteen, Weston later graduated from the Interlochen Arts Academy. At the Eastman School of Music, he earned his Bachelor of Music Degree and the prestigious Performer’s Certificate. In May of 2017, he graduated from the Yale School of Music and the Yale Institute of Sacred Music with his Master of Music Degree.

Prior to his studies at Yale, he completed two years in England as the Organ Scholar of Canterbury Cathedral and Chelmsford Cathedral. During this time, he was also appointed the first Organ Scholar to the Royal Festival Hall, London.

Former organ teachers include Thomas Murray, Michel Bouvard, Hans Davidsson, David Higgs, Bill McCoy and Thomas Bara. Following his recital debut at The Kennedy Center (Washington, DC) in 2009, he has performed across the United States and Europe, including Westminster Abbey (London), Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue (New York), The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels (Los Angeles), The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (Denver), the Chapel of the Queen’s College (Oxford), Royaumont Abbey (France) and the Berliner Dom (Germany).

On the Newberry Memorial Organ of Woolsey Hall, Weston has performed with The Philharmonia Orchestra of Yale, The Yale Concert Band, the New Haven Chorale and The Yale Symphony Orchestra. As a part of the London Handel Festival, he collaborated with the Apollo Baroque Consort in a concert of Handel Organ Concertos from Mayfair’s Grosvenor Chapel.  

Weston is an enthusiastic advocate for new music and has premiered compositions by Molly Joyce, Soosan Lolavar, Mark Carroll and Allison Willis. His performances and interviews have been broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 and American Public Media’s Pipedreams

Committed to the education of new organists, Weston was Instructor of Undergraduate and Secondary Organ at Yale College. He has served on the faculty of the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp, the Department of Music at The King’s School, Canterbury, and taught and performed at several Pipe Organ Encounters across America.

Weston currently resides in Tyler, Texas where he serves as Director of Music and Organist of First Presbyterian Church, as well as Artistic and Executive Director of the Tyler Civic Chorale. 

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Tenebrae | A Hymn of Heavenly Beauty

Tenebrae | A Hymn of Heavenly Beauty

A Hymn of Heavenly Beauty
A Premier, 17-voice choral ensemble from England
James Burton, conductor

{Ticket prices: $25 General | $20 Senior | $5 Student}


A Hymn of Heavenly Beauty

This program celebrates some of the finest choral works from the Renaissance through to the present day, ranging from the haunting Allegri "miserere mei, Deus", to Whitacre's resplendent "I thank You God'. Featuring a number of familiar favorites, these works showcase the rich dark soundworld of the Russian orthodox, the prayerful intimacy of contemporary English masters and the soaring contrapuntal lines of the late Renaissance. Closing with Harris' spectacular "Faire is the Heaven', this program is a true homage to choral greats past and present.


Described as “phenomenal” (The Times) and “devastatingly beautiful” (Gramophone Magazine), award-winning choir Tenebrae is one of the world’s leading vocal ensembles, renowned for its passion and precision. Under the direction of Nigel Short, Tenebrae performs at major festivals and venues across the globe, including the BBC Proms, Edinburgh International Festival, Leipzig Gewandhaus (Germany) and Melbourne Festival (Australia). The choir is renowned for its highly-acclaimed interpretations of choral music ranging from the hauntingly passionate works of the Renaissance through to contemporary choral masterpieces, and is a dedicated advocate for contemporary composers, having worked with Judith Bingham, Ola Gjeilo, Alexander L’Estrange, Alexander Levine, Paweł Łukaszewski, Paul Mealor, Hilary Tann, Joby Talbot, Sir John Tavener and Will Todd. Tenebrae is also frequently engaged with the world’s finest orchestras, regularly appearing alongside the Academy of Ancient Music, Aurora Orchestra and Britten Sinfonia, and also curates an annual Holy Week Festival in partnership with St John’s Smith Square.

Choral development is also central to Tenebrae’s ethos, and the choir has pioneered an inspirational workshop method, The Tenebrae Effect, designed to challenge and advance every participant by instilling skills essential to a Tenebrae performance. Since 2016 it has provided crucial training and performance opportunities to a quartet of outstanding young professional singers through its Associate Artist Scheme. As part of this fellowship, these young singers deliver regular choral development workshops in collaboration with Tenebrae’s education partners, Music Centre London and London Youth Choir. Tenebrae’s ever-increasing discography has brought about collaborations with Signum, Decca Classics, Deutsche Grammophon, EMI Classics, LSO Live, and Warner Classics. In 2012 Tenebrae was the first-ever ensemble to be multi-nominated in the same category for the BBC Music Magazine Awards, securing the accolade of ‘Best Choral Performance’ for the choir’s recording of Victoria’s Requiem Mass, 1605. The following year Tenebrae’s Fauré Requiem with the London Symphony Orchestra was nominated for the Gramophone Awards, having been described as “the very best Fauré Requiem on disc” and “the English choral tradition at its zenith” (Richard Morrison, Chief Music Critic, The Times). In 2014 the choir’s recording of Russian Orthodox music, Russian Treasures, reached number 1 in the UK Specialist Classical Chart. In 2016 Tenebrae received its second BBC Music Magazine Award for a recording of Brahms and Bruckner Motets, the profits from the sale of which benefit Macmillan Cancer Support, and in 2018 it received a Grammy nomination for Music of the Spheres, its album of part songs from the British Isles. ‘Passion and Precision’ are Tenebrae’s core values. Through its continued dedication to performance of the highest quality, Tenebrae’s vision is to deliver dramatic programming, flawless performances and unforgettable experiences, allowing audiences around the world to be moved by the power and intimacy of the human voice.

James Burton

Born in London, conductor James Burton trained as a chorister at the Choir of Westminster Abbey and as a Choral Scholar at St John’s College, Cambridge University. He holds a Master’s in Orchestral Conducting from the Peabody Conservatory. He is currently the Boston Symphony Orchestra Choral Director and Conductor of the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, and he is Director of Orchestral Activities at Boston University. 

Mr. Burton has guest conducted concerts with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and, since his debut in 2017, he has been a frequent guest conductor of the Boston Pops Orchestra. He has conducted many leading UK orchestras and opera houses including the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, English National Opera, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, the Hallé Orchestra, the Orchestra of Scottish Opera, the Royal Northern Sinfonia, BBC Concert Orchestra, English Touring Opera, and Manchester Camerata. Since giving his debut in 2016, he has been a frequent guest conductor of the Orquestra Sinfónica Nacional of Mexico. In 2018 he was honored to lead the orchestra’s 90th anniversary concerts, performing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City. His gives his debut with the Vermont Symphony in the 2022-23 season. 

Mr. Burton’s love and knowledge of choral repertoire has led to many years of working closely with choirs. He has given concerts with professional groups including the Gabrieli Consort, the Choir of the Enlightenment, and Wrocław Philharmonic. He conducted the BBC Singers in the augural season of Dubai’s Opera House in 2017. From 2002-2009 he served as Choral Director at the Hallé Orchestra, where he was conductor of the Hallé Choir and founder conductor of the Hallé Youth Choir, winning the Gramophone Choral Award in 2009.

Mr. Burton is well known for his inspirational work with young musicians. He has given many concerts and masterclasses with university orchestras and choirs from Oxford, Manchester, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, and Kentucky, as well as Genesis Sixteen and the National Youth Choir of Great Britain. He was Music Director of Schola Cantorum of Oxford from 2002-2017, and was the special international guest conductor of the National Youth Choir of Japan in 2017. Mr. Burton teaches the DMA orchestral conducting students at Boston University and has given conducting masterclasses at the Royal Academy of Music in London and at the Tanglewood Music Center, and he founded a scholarship for young conductors at Oxford. He founded the Boston Symphony Children’s Choir in 2018.

Mr. Burton’s growing composition portfolio includes works for commissioners including the Lexington Philharmonic, National Portrait Gallery in London, the Choir of St. John’s College, Cambridge, and the Exon Festival where he was composer-in-residence in 2015. His most recent composition is a 30-minute work The Lost Words for upper voices and orchestra (or piano) which received its premiere at the Tanglewood Festival in 2019, jointly commissioned by the Boston Symphony and the Hallé Orchestra. Many of Mr. Burton’s compositions have been performed by leading professional choirs including Tenebrae, the BBC Singers, The Sixteen, and one of his works was featured as the opening track on the new Christmas album by the King’s Singers. Mr. Burton’s works are published by Edition Peters.

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Beethoven's 5th Symphony | Philharmonie Austin

Beethoven's 5th Symphony | Philharmonie Austin

Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58
Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67
A 50-piece ensemble playing on period instruments
Mark Dupere, conductor; Anton Nel, fortepiano
{Ticket prices: $25 General | $20 Senior | $5 Student}

Mark Dupere

Mark Dupere

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras as well the Fox Valley Youth Orchestra. As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, Anima Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “New Young Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in Cello from the University of Texas at Austin, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting at Michigan State University.

Anton Nel

Anton Nel

Winner of the 1987 Naumburg International Piano Competition at Carnegie Hall, Anton Nel continues to tour internationally as recitalist, concerto soloist, chamber musician and teacher. Highlights in the U.S. include performances with the Cleveland Orchestra, and the Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Seattle, and Detroit Symphonies as well as recitals coast to coast. Overseas he has appeared at the Wigmore Hall in London, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam,  Suntory Hall in Tokyo, major venues in China and Korea and undertakes regular tours to South Africa. Much sought after as a chamber musician he regularly appears with some of the world’s finest instrumentalists at festivals on four continents. He holds the Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Endowed Chair at the University of Texas at Austin, is currently also a Visiting Professor at the Manhattan School of Music and annually presents masterclasses at the Glenn Gould School in Toronto. During the summers he is on the artist-faculties at the Aspen Music Festival and School, the Orford Music Academy in Quebec and at the Steans Institute at the Ravinia Festival. Mr. Nel also frequently performs as harpsichordist and fortepianist. His recordings include four solo CDs,  several chamber music recordings, and works for piano and orchestra by Franck, Faure, Saint-Saens and Edward Burlingame Hill. The Johannesburg-born Mr. Nel is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, where he studied with Adolph Hallis, and the University of Cincinnati where he worked with Bela Siki and Frank Weinstock. His website is antonnel.com.

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Holbrook Organ Series | Guy Whatley

Holbrook Organ Series | Guy Whatley

Concert Harpsichord & Organ Recitalist, Seven Eight Artists
Organist, Camelback Bible Church, Paradise Valley, AZ
{no charge for admission}

Guy Whatley

Recently acclaimed by the Arizona Daily Star as “a rock star on the harpsichord,” GUY WHATLEY enjoys a diverse international career as a harpsichordist and organist, performing as a soloist, collaborative artist, and ensemble director. Dr. Whatley has played in several of the world’s most prestigious venues with many notable musicians of our time. Recent engagements have included concerts in Japan, China, Argentina, Brazil, Central America, and Europe, and have included festivals such as The Connecticut Early Music Festival, The Arizona Bach Festival, the Costa Rica International Festival, and Piccolo Spoleto, as well as performances with the Bach Society of Houston and MusicSources. Originally from Wales, Dr. Whatley held organ scholarships at Cardiff Metropolitan Cathedral and at Clifton Cathedral. While completing an honors degree in musicology at the University of Bristol, he studied privately with early music pioneers Maria Boxall and Ton Koopman. A generous grant from the Countess of Munster Musical Trust allowed him to move to Stuttgart, where he studied organ with Ludger Lohmann and harpsichord with Jon Laukvik. Dr. Whatley pursued further training in France with Jean Boyer and Marie-Claire Alain, as well as Christopher Stembridge in Italy while he travelled across Europe studying national styles of organs and organ music. In 2005, Dr. Whatley completed a Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Arizona State University under Kimberly Marshall. He also holds diplomas from The Royal College of Music and The Royal Schools of Music.

Dr. Whatley regularly performs repertoire spanning the Middle Ages to the present day. An abiding interest in this rich variety of keyboard music from various centuries has inspired his extensive academic research into historical keyboard performance practice, which he has presented at universities across Europe and North America, including the prestigious Organ Art Center in Gothenburg, Sweden. Of great interest to Dr. Whatley is Tudor and Elizabethan keyboard music, about which his research has revealed forgotten repertoires and performance styles, new critical editions, and writings on performance practice. Dr. Whatley has performed the complete keyboard works of Thomas Tallis, William Byrd, John Bull, Orlando Gibbons, and Thomas Tomkins on historic instruments and has broadcast this music for the BBC and NPR. More recently, Dr. Whatley has performed the complete keyboard music of Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederick Handel, as well as the complete organ music of Francisco Correa de Arauxo, Franz Liszt, Herbert Howells and Olivier Messiaen.

The organs of Central America are a special passion of Dr. Whatley who has been involved in several restorations of historic instruments in that region including the Schvyen organ in San Jose Cathedral in Costa Rica, for which he played a dedicatory recital. Dr. Whatley has even traveled to the less explored locales of India and the Philippines to play historic instruments. Although a specialist in early music, Dr. Whatley is also a proponent of contemporary repertoire for the organ and has performed major works by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji, György Ligeti, Iannis Xenakis, Brian Fernyhough, and George Crumb. As a harpsichord soloist, Dr. Whatley has performed many twentieth century concertos, including those of Henryk Górecki, Frank Martin, Francis Poulenc, and Philip Glass.

An early love for collaborative music-making has led Dr. Whatley to a lifelong study of continuo playing, and he now performs with many of the nation’s leading ensembles. Dr. Whatley participated in Arizona’s first period performances of Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, Monteverdi’s 1610 Vespers, and a staged period production of Bach’s St. John Passion, and he enjoys high demand as a collaborative organist. In the realm of chamber music, Dr. Whatley has formed a duo with Trumpeter Jean Christophe Dobrzelewski which has commissioned several new works, produced new editions of trumpet and organ music, and released three award-winning recordings. Dr. Whatley has also performed as an organ duo with Samuel Metzger. In 2015, Dr. Whatley took part in New York City’s anniversary commemoration of the September 11th tragedy with the performance of a specially composed cantata by Stephen Paulus in Alice Tully Hall. 

Currently, Dr. Whatley is the organist of Camelback Bible Church in Paradise Valley, Arizona where he has established one of Phoenix’s most developed concert series as well as a large children’s music education program. Dr. Whatley has served on the boards of various arts and early music organizations across the region, and has also studied techniques for preventing performance injuries that he teaches to medical practitioners and music educators. Dr. Whatley is the harpsichordist/organist for the Grammy-nominated True Concord Voices and Orchestra. 

Guy Whatley is represented by Seven Eight Artists.

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Anton Nel & Friends

Anton Nel & Friends

Franz Joseph Haydn: Piano Trio in G Major, No. 39 (Gypsy), Hob. XV/25
Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Trio in C Major, Op. 1, No. 3
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 9 in D Major, K. 311
Anton Nel, fortepiano; Emily Dupere, violin; Mark Dupere, cello
{Ticket prices: $25 General | $20 Senior | $5 Student}

Anton Nel

Anton Nel

Winner of the 1987 Naumburg International Piano Competition at Carnegie Hall, Anton Nel continues to tour internationally as recitalist, concerto soloist, chamber musician and teacher. Highlights in the U.S. include performances with the Cleveland Orchestra, and the Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas, Seattle, and Detroit Symphonies as well as recitals coast to coast. Overseas he has appeared at the Wigmore Hall in London, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam,  Suntory Hall in Tokyo, major venues in China and Korea and undertakes regular tours to South Africa. Much sought after as a chamber musician he regularly appears with some of the world’s finest instrumentalists at festivals on four continents. He holds the Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Endowed Chair at the University of Texas at Austin, is currently also a Visiting Professor at the Manhattan School of Music and annually presents masterclasses at the Glenn Gould School in Toronto. During the summers he is on the artist-faculties at the Aspen Music Festival and School, the Orford Music Academy in Quebec and at the Steans Institute at the Ravinia Festival. Mr. Nel also frequently performs as harpsichordist and fortepianist. His recordings include four solo CDs,  several chamber music recordings, and works for piano and orchestra by Franck, Faure, Saint-Saens and Edward Burlingame Hill. The Johannesburg-born Mr. Nel is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, where he studied with Adolph Hallis, and the University of Cincinnati where he worked with Bela Siki and Frank Weinstock. His website is antonnel.com.

Emily Dupere

Emily Dupere, Australian violinist, has performed as a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral player throughout Europe, the USA, and Australia. She has collaborated with artists such as Malcolm Bilson, Bart van Oort, Petra Somlai, Elizabeth Wallfisch, Shunske Sato, Jaap ter Linden, Sigiswald Kuijken, Maasaki Suzuki, Jos van Immerseel, and Sir John Eliot Gardiner. Emily studied under Paul Wright at the University of Western Australia, graduating with first class honors and was awarded the Lady Callaway Medal for the most outstanding graduate. She completed her studies in baroque violin at The Royal Conservatoire in The Hague with Ryo Terakado, Kati Debretzeni, and Walter Reiter.

In Australia, Emily performed with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra, as an Emerging Artist with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, and with the award-winning Sartory String quartet. In Europe she performed with many groups including The Wallfisch Band (UK), Les Passions de l’âme (Switzerland), Les Inventions (France), Haagsche Hofmuziek (NL), Collegium Musicum Den Haag (NL), The English Baroque Soloists (UK), Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique (UK), Bach Collegium Japan, and Anima Eterna Brugge (Belgium). Emily’s particular interests include the sacred music of Bach and classical and romantic chamber music on period instruments.

Mark Dupere

Mark Dupere is Associate Professor of Music at Lawrence University, where he is the Director of Orchestral Studies. He is a passionate educator and hopes to impart a love of music-making and active engagement with audiences in the performance of music from all periods. He currently conducts the Lawrence Symphony and Chamber Orchestras as well the Fox Valley Youth Orchestra. As a cellist, Mark performed throughout Europe with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Haagsche Hofmuzieck, Anima Eterna Brugge and was an apprentice with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in London. Mark was a “New Young Artist” at the Victoria Bach Festival, performed in the Leipzig Bach Competition, and most recently named a national finalist in the American Prize in Conducting. Mark holds degrees in Cello from the University of Texas at Austin, Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, The Netherlands and a Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting at Michigan State University.

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