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The Gesualdo Six | English Motets

Ticketed event: $40 General / $35 Senior




During the Renaissance, musical composition flourished, but it was a time of great change, fueled by religious division. This program traces music written by some of the English Renaissance masters over a period of two hundred years, encompassing florid medieval-sounding works by Sheppard and Forest, intricately woven polyphonic works by Tallis and Byrd, and the beautiful simplicity of Tomkins and White. 

Thomas Tallis - Te lucis ante terminum 

William Byrd - Ave verum corpus 

William Byrd - Afflicti pro peccatis nostris 

John Forest - Qualis est dilectus meus 

Sheringham - Ah, gentle Jesu 

John Sheppard - In manus tuas (III) 

William Byrd - Vigilate 

Leonel Power - Beata progenies 

Thomas Weelkes - All people, clap your hands 

Robert White - Christe qui lux es et dies 

Thomas Tallis - If ye love me 

Thomas Tallis - In manus tuas 

Thomas Tomkins - When David heard 

William Byrd - Laudate pueri Dominum

The Gesualdo Six is an award-winning British vocal ensemble comprising some of the UK’s finest consort singers, directed by Owain Park. Praised for their imaginative programming and impeccable blend, the ensemble formed in 2014 for a performance of Gesualdo’s Tenebrae Responsories in Cambridge and has gone on to perform at numerous major festivals across the UK, Europe, North America, and Australia. Notable highlights include a concert as part of the distinguished Deutschlandradio Debut Series and collaborations with the Brodsky Quartet, London Mozart Players, Luxmuralis, William Barton, and Matilda Lloyd.

The ensemble integrates educational work into its activities, regularly holding workshops for young musicians and composers. The Gesualdo Six has curated two Composition Competitions, with the 2019 edition attracting entries from over three hundred composers around the world. The group have recently commissioned new works from Joanna Ward, Kerensa Briggs, Deborah Pritchard, Joanna Marsh, and Richard Barnard alongside coronasolfège for 6 by Héloïse Werner.

Videos of the ensemble performing a diverse selection of works filmed in Ely Cathedral have been watched by millions online. The group released their debut recording English Motets on Hyperion Records in early 2018 to critical acclaim, followed by Christmas, a festive album of seasonal favorites in late 2019, and  Fading, an album of compline-themed music which was awarded Vocal & Choral Recording of the Year 2020 by Limelight.


I felt something click when we came together to rehearse for the first time, and I don’t think we’ve looked back since! The special feeling of hyper-engaged music-making, coupled with a good deal of enjoyment in each other’s company, has meant that this group has stuck together and embarked on an exciting journey.

I was born in Bristol and started my musical training with piano lessons before becoming a chorister at St Mary Redcliffe Church. I then took up the organ and the trumpet, finding a love for improvisation in both. My organ playing took me to Wells Cathedral as Senior Organ Scholar and then to Trinity College Cambridge, where I studied music, learning orchestration with John Rutter before undertaking a Masters degree in composition. My compositions are published by Novello, and I am privileged to have my music performed all around the world by ensembles including the Tallis Scholars and the Aurora Orchestra.

As a conductor, I work with ensembles including the BBC Singers, the Academy of Ancient Music, Cappella Cracoviensis, and Cambridge Chorale. I also enjoy teaching and frequently give workshops and masterclasses for composers and singers alike.

I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists (FRCO), have been a Tenebrae Associate Artist for two seasons, and regularly work with ensembles including The Sixteen and Polyphony.


Hello – I’m Guy, and I’m proud to be a founding member of The Gesualdo Six. Raised in Dursley in Gloucestershire, I am now based in London. Alongside my work with The Gesualdo Six, I have developed a passion for the music, language, and history of Italy and thoroughly enjoy performing regularly with the Italian Ensemble Odhecaton.

I enjoy working with a range of other choirs and ensembles including Amici Voices and the RUPA ensemble, and I deputize regularly with many London choirs including those of Westminster Cathedral, the Temple Church, and Westminster Abbey. I’m proud to have contributed to over 25 commercial CDs of choral music.

I have recently founded a new music project: Chapel Perilous, which debuted in 2019 with a program of chamber works by John Tavener, Arvo Pärt, Hildegard von Bingen, and Giacinto Scelsi. Other recent solo appearances have included Bach’s Mass in B Minor with Solomon’s Knot, works by Purcell and Blow in Turin, and a recital of Gloucestershire songs for Remembrance.

When I’m not to be found reading or singing, it’s likely that I will be practicing or watching cricket, a pastime I’ve enjoyed firmly establishing in the group’s culture in conjunction with group batting coach and baritone Michael Craddock.


I have been singing with The Gesualdo Six ever since the first concert back in March 2014. At that time, I was Organ Scholar at St John’s College, Cambridge, where I was later to become Assistant Organist. I played the organ there for the world famous college choir for four years, enjoying tours, broadcasts, and recordings alongside the daily pattern of services.

In 2017, I was appointed Assistant Director of Music at Truro Cathedral in Cornwall. During my time there, I accompanied the cathedral choir in a concert performance of Duruflé’s Requiem live on BBC Radio 3 and recorded two CDs. I carried on singing with G6 as much as possible, recording two CDs and touring widely during my Truro holidays. Having moved away from Cornwall in the summer of 2019, I am now able to fully commit to the group’s expanding diary while maintaining my career as an organist and choir trainer.

Aside from G6, I have sung for other groups including Alamire and Tenebrae, having graduated from The Sixteen’s training scheme, Genesis Sixteen, in 2013. I am now on the London circuit and continue to give organ recitals across the UK. I have my own choir called the Beaufort Singers who sing at the Boxgrove Choral Festival which I founded in 2018.

As far as hobbies are concerned, I share with my dad not only a passion for music but also for all things Formula One motor racing.


I have been singing with The Gesualdo Six since 2016 and love the variety that the group’s schedule brings. I started singing as a chorister at Chichester Cathedral and later studied music at King’s College London. I now enjoy a busy ensemble career, singing for some of the UK’s most prestigious consorts such as The Sixteen and the Tallis Scholars.

I have also delved into the world of opera, singing the title role in Rameau’s Pygmalion at Brighton Early Music Festival was a particular highlight. I also enjoy creating site-specific operas in venues like the V&A Museum (Tim Watts’s Kepler’s Trial with my G6 pals!) and at the Carinthia Hotel.

Never one to say no to another portion of food, I am looking forward to our USA tour where hopefully I will also have time to curate my other two hobbies, climbing and trying to discover the newest bands to listen to.

Not just content with singing, I also teach the trombone and I would like to teach myself the harmonica in order to ultimately become the one man band I’ve always dreamed of…


In comparison to some of the other members of the group, some of whom practically came out of the womb singing, I came to music much later. I had fully intended to do something mathematical, but when I joined the choir at Trinity College Cambridge as an undergraduate, I totally fell in love with singing. I threw myself into everything musical I could find at university, and when I graduated, I moved to London and started freelancing, working, and touring with groups like Gabrieli and the Marian Consort.

It was around this time that we started The Gesualdo Six, and it has been a huge pleasure to watch it grow from a student project, whose members averaged in age about 20 and had no ambitions of doing anything beyond the next concert, to an outfit that performs around sixty concerts a year, including the tours and recordings and all that comes with it. I still count the members of this group as some of my closest friends, and it still feels like we are making music for the same reasons as six years ago–namely we had a piece we really wanted to sing and a group of people we really wanted to sing it with.

In my non G6-related time, I try and cast my musical net as wide as possible. I love singing opera, Bach, lieder, and new music, and if you can’t find me singing, I will be either watching cricket or finding the next venue for the G6 dining club, of which I am the enthusiastic (self-appointed) instigator.


I began my musical education began at age 11 as a chorister at Lincoln Cathedral. I was then awarded a music scholarship to Oundle School and went on to read music at Manchester University. I spent some time as a choral scholar at Truro Cathedral before joining the back row as a lay clerk in Manchester, Ely, and Christchurch Cathedrals. I love playing the piano, and I’m proud to have gained a Distinction in my ABRSM Piano Performance Diploma.

My first performance with the group was, appropriately, music by Gesualdo in St John’s Smith Square in 2016. I also perform regularly with a variety of professional choirs both in the UK and abroad, including The Sixteen and the BBC singers. My stage roles have included Collatinus in Britten’s The Rape of Lucretia, Seneca in Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea, and Aeneas in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas.

I am currently completing my postgraduate studies at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance as the Kathleen Roberts Scholar under the tutelage of Jon Christos.

In my spare time, I like to keep my piano skills to a reasonable standard, collect vinyls, and cook.

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